Hello my little otters,

It's true that it's been a long time since I've come to tell you a bit about our daily lives. The heat of summer, the vacations, the projects that follow one another... You get the idea! Anyway, I'm back for volume 3 of the Daily Lemonade, so without further ado: "En avant Guingamp" as Lisa would say!



Always on the lookout for new DIYs to make your eyes sparkle and your heart flutter, we embarked on a crazy project a while back: A MUPPET CHAT! I can't tell you how many emotional stages we went through during its creation: tenderness (that little "oooooooooohhhh" when faced with the cuteness of the beast), doubt as to whether his eyes were a little too tired or mean, joy when the glasses embellished his sweet face! In short, we're working on another version of the cat, and you too will be able to squeal as you make your own very soon, I promise. And by the way, if you don't know this cover version of Bohemian Rapsody by the Muppets, don't wait any longer - it'll do you no harm! (I intend to teach this little cat to sing).



Perhaps you've browsed the new contributors page and discovered the blog's mystery guest: Irma the horoscope queen! She's arriving on Monday, and I hope you'll enjoy her expert advice and forecasts! In any case, we've decided to create little cats in disguise (I guess cats are really inspiring us these days) to illustrate the different signs of the zodiac. And because we're fans of paper, they've obviously been handmade one by one! Yes, yes, you can see Jeanne's concentrated little hands during this operation!



Ah Lisa and Instagram, a great passion... I can't tell you how long it takes her to take THE photo. Today, you can find out how it goes in general: improbable positions, lots of grace and lightness and, above all, lots of giggles! I'd also like to take this opportunity to tell you about Sarenza's Cafe Boutique, which you can discover this weekend at 116 rue de Turenne, 75003! Sarenza is launching its own shoe brand, and it's more than a success (even Lisa couldn't decide between two models). You'll be able to eat, drink and, above all, try on all the shoes in this new collection (you place your order and they'll be served to you on a tray with your tea)! You'll also be able to see the mirror we've designed for the event: a mountain of shoes, a selfie mirror that's giving away great gifts, because if you post your photo on social networks with #cafesarenza, you'll get a free coffee!




Our daily routine also involves a lot of acrobatics: standing on chairs to take photos, on all fours on the floor to draw on mirrors, in a ball to trace patterns! And I'm not even talking about Happy Friday with Aigle, for which Lisa had to climb on a lamppost... I'm risking my position as Lemonade girl by saying this, but Lisa had to climb on a dustbin to get to that height... I laughed so hard I forgot to take a photo, so forgive me... 




Last photo of this Making of to tell you a little about our offices. We've just refurbished them, and I can't tell you how much better we're breathing already! We're still looking for boutique-style premises to house our happy team and finally be able to spread out a bit more, so don't hesitate to let us know if your concierge, your great-aunt or even your butcher speaks to you about something!





And if tomorrow you don't know what to do after your visit to the Sarenza café, come and meet Lisa and bargain-hunt for beautiful pieces at low prices at 133 rue de Sèvres, 75006, on the occasion of the  vide dressing entre copines  ! A big kiss and see you soon.



September 20, 2014