A mouse at fashion week PART 3 and end!

Mes jolis coeurs, On a eu chaud les poussins, le site internet en panne, je me sent un peu comme amputé, ou quelque chose dans le goût là... Aussi, quand la machine à laver, qu'en fait sa tête, que l'évier est bouché, qu'il faut jouer à Mario Bros, ou qu'il faut poser une étagère [...]
March 10, 2013 — lisa gachet


Happy friday darlings, I'm writing you a little note to give you some news from the front. Everything's going well here, the rotten weather can't even get to me, I'm on the upswing, I've decided I'm not going to let this period of "down" get me down, and then work is [...].
March 08, 2013 — lisa gachet

SEE BY the results!

My little cats, it's getting late to post, and it's funny to think that, as if there was perfect timing, since I kind of set the rules here... I'd love to be able to surprise you and post at any time of the day or night, but as you can see, I can't really [...].
March 06, 2013 — lisa gachet


It's been a chaotic theme week, but I can't hide the fact that I'm feeling a little tired, if not exhausted... I know it's a time to get through, but it's not easy right now, and the only times I'm happy are when I'm under the comforter. I tease my limits and if I [...]
March 03, 2013 — lisa gachet


Nice evening cats! A little wish list, it's been a long time since I've scoured the internets in search of inspired shopping. What fun! A bit like a treasure hunt... But then, I didn't need this: to add yet more things to my wish list... I don't [...] I [...].
February 27, 2013 — lisa gachet

Crunchy, gourmet diamond coffee

How spoiled you are... After a perfume truce, I'm back with our rhombus stories... Don't get into bad habits, it's not every day you get two articles... I'm really craving chocolate right now, my thighs much less so. Needless to say, my resolutions for the [...]
February 26, 2013 — lisa gachet

My perfume for real...

My wolves of the woods So here I sin, I have sinned I'm making a break with our theme week because a breaking news has fallen. The breaking news is the launch of a perfume - well, my beloved See by Chloé perfume... A few months ago, my friend Nardjisse B. and I were invited to the [...]
February 26, 2013 — lisa gachet


Happy Monday company! I forgot how much I love making inspiration boards! I don't know if it's because I'm craving spring or if I miss the smell of freshly applied paint, but if I listened to myself, I'd take over all the walls in our living room [...].
February 25, 2013 — lisa gachet


So I guess I slightly overestimated myself in terms of how long it would take me to finish this article! I'm delighted to bring you this second and penultimate part of my journey with Gemey - Maybelline, because yes, the last post will be a short video, I think it's good to show you the [...].
February 24, 2013 — lisa gachet


Ahah... okay, I admit it, this article has been ready since yesterday, but go figure, between work appointments, friendly crisis cells, laundry to hang out, and a little party for 15 to prepare, I've been a bit overwhelmed by events - I have a real life on the side... of this cyber [...].
February 23, 2013 — lisa gachet

a mouse at gemey & me fashion week

Kittens, I've never worked as hard as I did when I didn't have a real job! It's so great, every day it's a new project, with its share of surprises (and a bit of stress too) and the next day a completely different part, a new challenge, a new client... I'm knocking on wood as long as it [...].
February 20, 2013 — lisa gachet


Kittens, I'm on cloud nine, just back from New York, with my boyfriend, yes I know it's crazy, 4 days of delirium, 4 days of intense fashion week, crazy backstage encounters and incredible images! But I'll get back to you very soon... I had originally planned this recipe [...].
February 14, 2013 — lisa gachet