Hello everyone! 

I'm very happy to present this little video, because I've been thinking about it for months, looking for a good angle, someone to film me etc... and this is my Christmas present from you to me. I know dozens of you are asking me what brand of sewing machine I have, and how I do this or that, or can I take lessons, is it difficult at first? Yes and No. Yes, because it's the unknown. For example, I don't want to take my driving test, it scares me and seems insurmountable, whereas in reality, I'm sure that most of you have your license and are laughing as you read this. And no, it's not that complicated, because if you're up for it, you'll see that it's very simple and downright addictive. So don't panic, in this little video I'll show you, with a little explanation, the basics of the basics, because the right words. And every time I make a sewing DIY, I'll remind you of this video. Don't worry, we'll keep on sticking masking tape on the walls, but every now and then I'd like to show you that if you master a few tricks, you can work wonders... Christmas gift 1/3 Check... 



Make my lemonade DIY sewing essentials from Make My Lemonade on Vimeo.

Thanks to Axel Tardieu for his work and patience and thanks to Canon for lending us their latest camera, the EOS M, to make this video. 


I hope you'll enjoy this little video. I'm not making anything, but I'm showing you some simple "essential" actions for getting by with sewing.

For example:

  • - "pinning",
  • - "make a simple seam",
  • - open" a seam,
  • -make a gathering,
  • -notch" a curved seam (for necklines, armholes, etc.) and slide it. 
  • - hemming" (easy with an iron).
  • -how to "make a right angle" with the sewing machine,
  • -sliding" (a cushion, scarf, comforter or other item...)
  • -free" angles (as in painting). 
  • -drinking tea with lipstick or having a lazy cat are optional... 


December 18, 2012