Resolutions... I love resolutions, although these past few years I've only been able to keep them for about two weeks, I suppose like everyone else... but over the years, almost 27 years of resolutionmaking, I've realized they were too ambitious... So this year I've decided to solve the problem: I won't write "stop being messy" but rather "be less messy". It's not a huge change, but it makes all the difference! Rather than putting pressure on myself, I'm going to make resolutions that don't go against who I really am. These resolutions will be like a list of little things that will make me happier, and above all, make others happier.
After talking about it at the office, I thought it would be good to make a list of everyone's resolutions because in the end this is where we spend most of our time. Why not keep our resolutions in sight, in mind, beyond the second week of January? While reading through all of Lemonade Studio's good intentions, let's say that it was a mix of personal and professional resolutions, I felt like we all made the same point. Between going to a bowling alley and increasing one's libido, each of us had others in mind. There was also:
  • give more
  • waste less
  • recycle more
  • eat better
  • tell loved ones that they are loved more often
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-good-resolutions-2All of this goes to show that I think more and more about taking care of myself this year, something that isn't really a difficult task, but the idea of paying attention to everything around us is the best of resolutions. I'm kind of sad it's taken 27 Januaries to realize it but I'm ready to fix it in 2016! Hugs and kisses, wishing you a great year full of happiness to you and your loved ones...   Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
January 02, 2016