
Hello all!

Everyone here at the studio is super happy to collaborate again with Etsy Resolution! Last year, we made the 'abc's of the motivated entrepreneur', remember? This time, I wanted to illustrate my 10 commandments of the self-employed person. We've done our best to illustrate them! Ah! This article comes at an important time in our lives here at the Lemonade Studio. Right now, we're learning to deal with stubborn suppliers... Anyways, we've made illustrations to show the 10 commandments of the self-employed person in 2017 while really trying to keep number 8 in mind: be flexible and adapt! Etsy is starting their resolutions program this year to help new entrepreneurs open their boutiques online. It's a free 4 week training program full of good advice and tips from people that have already been down that road! Enrollment will be closed soon! Sign up here before January 27th to join the 2017 Etsy Resolution team! First of all, I'd like to share a great exercise (and my two cents)! Not too long ago, I tried writing down the history of my business and it's manifesto. I tried to figure out what exactly is Wear Lemonade's 'identity', kind of like a brand guide, but focusing on the business aspect. This should be read, re-read, and shared with everyone so that your history is known and understood. You should always go back to it if you're having a hard time making a decision! Plus, it's a great communication tool for your website or can be slipped into a powerpoint presentation about your brand. It's really been a great exercise since I recently learned ideas might be clear in my head, but it's another thing to communicate them to others... to help clarify, I write them down or draw them... I'll share this with you soon for Wear Lemonade, I promise! Here are 10 pieces of advice from the Lemonade Studio to survive being your own boss!

1# Learn

It's important to never stop learning. It's one of the keys to success. Never give up! Always keep learning so you can reinvent yourself!

2# Take risks

Be careful not to take foolish risks. However, there are times in your life as a self-employed person when you have to make choices. In order to grow, you must make bold choices if you want to move on to the next step!

3# Be Unique

Don't try to copy another successful business; make your own way! It can be paralysing to compare yourself to others all the time. Free yourself from this competition, you won't question yourself as much and you'll move ahead more quickly!

4# Surround yourself with good people

You'll realise very quickly that it's a huge asset to the success of your business. Together is better! Whether you partner up or delegate tasks, it will help you focus on your job!

5#Try again

Every day won't be perfect, I'm not going to lie to you! When you're self-employed, perseverance and patience will be your best friends. Keep your head up and try again tomorrow!

6# Perfect your visuals

Whether you're offering a service or selling something on the internet, in time of need, don't forget that the process is often as important as the substance. Be precise and a perfectionist!

7# Share

Whether it's to get the word out or gather opinions, have a social media presence. It's a great means of communication, but after a certain hour, be sure to sign off!

8# Adapt

Whether you're part of a multi-personality team or working with suppliers who have their head in the clouds, you have to be flexible and always ready to work calmly.


9# Take care of yourself

It's important to know when to take a break from time to time! Slow down and allow yourself to take real breaks in order to free your mind. Most important of all, don't feel guilty!

10# Celebrate

Celebrate every little triumph! You'll be busy taking care of problems every day, so it's easy to forget the happy little things and great news. Calls for some champagne!

Photos Olitax <3

Translated by Whitney Bolin

January 24, 2017