

It gives me the creeps to think about all of what happened this past year... How the informal platform that is Wordpress became for me such an escape, a kind of extraordinary window that pushes me on doing more things, on getting better and trying to do my best every time...

 It's crazy how a one-year anniversary can also feel like the circle is complete and the moment to ask myself a thousand questions. "Do I keep going?" "What could I do to re-new myself?" "If everything ends tomorrow, how would I take it?"... So many quasi-existential questions that have only one answer: "Keep doing what you like and stop asking yourself so many questions".

 So here we go... You should take your hankies, it's gonna be emotional. In one year I can only make an assessment... A pretty awesome one... On a personal level I have the feeling that I am like a little machine, let's say a pressure cooker, the more I do things the more I have ideas and wishes and that's a powerful driving force that makes me get up in the morning with one desire: learn and do... I have a new creative hygiene that makes me want to get out of my comfort zones. On a professional level I met a bunch of people who've trusted me and given me jobs. I won't list all my projects from 2012 but I keep in mind my favorite moments with a special mention to "OMG I am writing a book" and "Okay, I'm working freelance now" to quote only them... And on the human level, Make My Lemonade allowed me to meet a whole bunch of great people and friends (photographer, color designer, hair designer, journalist and so on) and I LOVE them with real love, I call them ten times a day to tell them because they have to understand how great they are...

 But most importantly, it was you. My great encounter was you. I feel like for a year all I've been saying is thank you but it's because I am very aware that all these amazing things that keeps happening to me are also thanks to you. Thanks to the fact that you are always more and more to come here everyday (and I know dude are also hanging around) so THANK YOU. And thank you to those of you who stop me in the street to tell me to keep going even though I'm exhausted, ringed, wearing nonsense, loaded with all my stuff, in love, or even - it happened - all of that at the same time. THANKYOU.

 And now is the Oscar presentation time: thank you Mum for correcting my mistakes when you wake up and thank you for your support worthy of Michael Angelo's mother. Thank you dad for telling me it was a mistake to make a blog because "you're going to give away your idea to everybody" and to look at me like I'm an alien. Thank you my love for pushing me a year ago "to do something" even though you might regret it sometimes when I'm glued to my screen, I'm working on that... Thank you to all my friends for their support, their sharing, their help and their kindness, and a special thank you to my Justine B. because...

February 06, 2013