Hello everyone! It's officially time to go back to school, to work, to... fall! Is it just me or did summer go by in the blink of an eye? I just got back from an amazing trip in Canada. I'll tell you all about it soon. But coming back wasn't easy. All of a sudden it's like I need for something revolutionary. I want to change everything at the Lemonade Studio, to paint, to move the furniture around. I'd like a fresh start to clear my mind because the upcoming months for the Lemonade Team will be action packed!


I'm not sure if we've talked about it yet or not, but when I have work to do, instead of seriously getting down to it, I always end up going back to my apartment, the office, my life. That's my trick to see things clearly! I'm sure that a lot of people are the same way, they tidy up to get their thoughts organized. But at my house, it gets out of hand, I often involve my friends and my team against their will. For three days, the Lemonade Studio's been looking like a tornado came through...

It's finally the moment you've all been waiting for! The India jumpsuit is available in navy crepe fabric and in denim as well as the lipstick patterned Simona blouse with a removable tie! I'm so happy my backtowork uniforms are ready! Good news, our little Wear Lemonade is pairing up with Birchbox this September to help you get back to school and work with a smile on your face! Besides designing the box with colors from the current collection, I selected the products that'll be inside and made you a gift that'll last a long time... but I'll tell you more as soon as it comes out in 5 days...


Going back to India, it's perfect for fall. The denim's sometimes casual, like in a sexy worker way, and sometimes chic for going out after work with its' delicate details on the sleeves. It kind of has a carrot fit. The high waist makes you look slimmer and its' crossover neckline is flattering on everyone! To tell you the truth, besides boatnecks, I'm in love with crossover necklines... India is great for petites (YEAH!). I'm still in love with those little embroidered hearts!
Simona is an experiment; We didn't really know if you'd like it, so we didn't make a sewing pattern this season. If you do, it'll be available for the next collection... in different patterns of course! Simona has a removable tie, underneath the collar is a loop to keep it in place. You can also wear it unbuttoned or button up those precious little golden buttons for a preppy look! Anyways, I'm happy everyone liked the Tara hat... We'll be sure to make more for the next collection! Hugs and kisses, I'm happy to be back. See you tomorrow for India's step by step instructions!
Translated by Whitney Bolin
August 25, 2016