Happy Saturday! 

Well, if it isn't "les gens bien" again this week! I'd be spoiling you right now if I told you about Mailast week I had to tell you about Fredtoday... Fred is this incredible aesthete who teaches you how to do your hair with nothing at all, who teaches us how to make a charming mess of our hair... and above all, who tells us that we don't need to end up suffocating from Elnett to have a chignon that rocks. In short, it's thanks to Mai that I met him at a party, full of people who already knew each other. I was alone, lost, clinging to my cell phone like a lifeline to give me composure, and Fred appeared, he teased me and bim bam boum, as our meetings went by, I discovered him to be such a nice guy, sweet, funny, simple, frank, a beautiful person whom I'm lucky enough to introduce to you, I feel like telling you that I've got a thousand ideas from him... I hope to be able to show you some of the crazy and unique things we're trying to put together... Fred may do the hair of super stars, princesses and all that, but he's someone who takes life as it comes and whose only aspiration and ambition is to be happy. I find that, as well as being a "nice guy", he's certainly a walking inspiration, enough to calm my ardor to devour the world.... Without further ado FRED!


Hello Fred, just to get to know you better, can you tell us what's the first thing you do in the morning, just after you've opened your eyes?

I touch my...biiiiiiiiiip....nan just kidding :-) Then I roll out of bed and hit the floor, and of course I do 4h30 of yoga :-)

"Existential question: If you had to reincarnate as a woman, who would you be? Diana Ross from the supreme era or Jean Seberg from the Breathless era?

Diano Ross all the way! Wigged from morning to night, sequined from head to toe, I'd be Crazy! 



"Question from Elle: What's in your backpack?

Clips for styling anyone anywhere, my camera, and notebooks for jotting down fabulously awesome ideas :-)

"Substitute question: If you weren't allowed to wear a checkered shirt anymore (like deprived of dessert), what would your signature look be?

HO MY GOD .... 

Marinière, I think... stripes, stripes, stripes!

"Survival question" If you had to take only one woman into a bunker in December 2012, to style her hair forever ( or almost) who would it be and why?

Madonna..... because I figure she'd have a lot of crazy stories to tell me... 



"What job would you have hated doing as a child?

Butcher, what can I get you, little lady??? hands full of blood.....;bbbbeeeuuurururrkkkkk , vomiting all day.

"Fashion blog question" the fashion flashback: you said: I'd never wear that, and yet you did... what was it?

Ephrem pants ... velvet even! houlala...

"If you had the chance to bring back a missing personality for a date, who would it be? 

Frankly, I don't know what to tell you .... :-( I'm skipping !!!!

"Question Doudou" What do you make yourself to eat to cheer you up?  

Free-range chicken, fried potatoes, green salad, strawberry tart.... perfect dinner. 



"Question vitale" are you more of a blue card or blue overalls type?

Bleu de travail , c'est sexe nan ?? 

"Question: It's clean" What's under your bed?

boxes with wigs, extensions, my cleaning lady gets scared sometimes ... hihihi

"Question: Backpacker" the worst trip you could ever have?

A thalasso weekend at La Grande Motte. 



"Question from hell" What recurring question do you hate being asked?

And heuuuu....t'got a hair salon where I can come see you to do a brush ?????? 

"Unspoken question" What question (never asked) would you like to be asked? 

I'd love to be asked..... "Will you marry me ???? "..... 

attention Violonnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!! nananiniiiiiiiiiiinannaniiiiiiiiananananananaaaaaaaaaa



Good beauty plan?

Don't look too closely at yourself in the mirror, and make love as much as possible....I'd better get started...!!!

Shopping tip?

I don't do any... or only second-hand clothes... in New York....bref I've got rotten shopping plans! 

Good eating plan?

Chez ANAHI rue Volta , Argentinian meat that'll knock you on your ass ... 


I love the HUNE bookshop in St Germain, the Louvre at night on Fridays, the Marais galleries at weekends...






September 15, 2012