Happy Friday, my beautiful readers! I really hope you're doing well, since as I was saying last week, I hope this gloomy weather hasn't gotten you down! I'm doing better than ever, I feel like the Lemonade team's going to conquer the world, thank you for your positive feedback on the PDF subscriptions and Carlotta! We're moving along, getting ready for the next collection's photo shoot. It's fun to come up with new themes, that's my favorite part! Quite frankly, I'm not sure about the next shoot. Not sure, because I'd love to do it outside. In 17 days, besides being my birthday, it'll also be summer... and as you may have noticed, it's as gray and yucky outside as a day in November. So, how do to it?
I was thinking of doing it in a greenhouse. There'd be light, plants without the risk of rain... but which one? For this Happy Friday, we took pictures in one of my favorite places in Paris, the Serres d'Auteil. Here, Olitax and I thought: yes, this is it! Yeah... no. Yes, it's a good idea but when we shoot a Happy Friday, there are just two of us and we kind of look like tourists. But imagine, if we shoot the Wear Lemonade collection here, there would be at least ten of us: the models (at least three of them), the photographer, the makeup artist, Charlotte, Laure, Olitax, and myself. I don't think that the gardeners would like us to do that without permission... ANYWAYS I'm waiting for a divine sign, if you have an art deco or industrial greenhouse in your garden and you'd like us to come over for the day, let us know!
make-my-lemonade-happy-friday-serres-8 To be honest, we did this photoshoot on the first day of Roland Garros. Elle, the magazine, organized a video shoot with a retro tennis theme and a daylong website contest for the special occasion of the fantastic Collector by La Redoute Madame. At lunchtime, I ran as fast as I could to meet with Olitax and shoot this Happy Friday, because honestly, I love tennis's vintage look, but watching the match in the rain isn't my thing. When I was 17, I loved Roland Garros, it was a great way to put off studying for exams!
You may know about the controversy surrounding the purchase of the Serres d'Auteil by Roland Garros, who wanted to demolish them in order to build new tennis courts. While I was there I read on some signs hung up around the area that the French tennis federation planned on destroying the modern greenhouses and leaving Jean Camille Formigé'sbeautiful nineteenth century turquoise ones alone, to be continued... But I'm surprised that the entire place isn't classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, maybe it isn't old enough... Anyways, if you have any updates on the preservation of this magical spot, please let us know in the comments!
I'm wearing a super cute R edition lowwaisted polo dress and a Laura Clément blazer. These two pieces are from the great collection I was telling you about above. Also a pair of love Louboutins and a vintage boat hat... Sending hugs and kisses your way, see you tomorrow for a quick DIY I think you'll love!
June 03, 2016