Happy Friday to todos!

I could have called this post "Le changement c'est maintenant" (François Hollande's presidential campaign slogan meaning "the change is now") but I sincerely wish this blog to stay apolitical... Anyway, who says new year says new projects, new challenges, and I want a new design for the one-year anniversary of this blog... I can hear you ask "Already?!" but I won't change everything, no because I find it quite disturbing for you and for me, but I'm always on the move you know and I want to renew myself as well. Would you like any new gadgets ? New special buttons ? More or less stuff ? I'm listening !

And it is interesting to know how to constantly evolve, I realize today everything is going so quickly, everything is in perpetual motion. I think I am a real victim of this constant high speed of the seasons, of the means of communication etc... I'm bored so easily, especially with the trends... I always try not to buy clothes because it's trendy but because I love them, I got a real crush on an item, a cut or even a material... So here is a new kind of happy friday... A Gif because it's me, and I introduce you to my writing! I was a little fed up of making you believe I was 1,80 m ! Anyway, I hope you'll like it, sweet kisses!




Today I'm wearing an old American Apparel hat, an H&M coat that I love (you can find it in store now, the material is amazing). A Baruckello dress, a shirt-collar top from COSthe polka dots tights from Gambettes Box and my love booooooots Mellow Yellow that you know already... Big hugs and kisses! Can't wait to read you!

January 10, 2013