My kittens...

I'm back in a great shape, more than that you'd die (almost)... I was on small holidays with my family and on small holidays with my lover in Amsterdam. A nice break but it was quite hard to let it go, I'm a bad at bumming around, you know when someone asks you "Aren't we good here, doing nothing?" I answer "Yeah sure..." but deep down I think "Flee! My 10 fingers are numb, let's quickly do something!" It's precisely one of my resolutions for 2013: getting to know how to enjoy my break times to really have break times. Quasi existential that kind of resolution, I know. But in the list of the things I want to do, to achieve this year, there are as well:

  • - Be organized x 10 000,
  • - Party more often,
  • - Find a new flat,
  • - REALLY go to the gym,
  • - Read more,
  • - Quit the sunday night's McDo,
  • - Buy a bike (Thank you Amsterdam),
  • - Push my boundaries,
  • - Stop being too lazy to do the dishes,
  • - Stop washing my laundry three times in a row because I'm too lazy to hand it out,
  • - See more exhibitions,
  • - Stop being behind in my emails,
  • - Learn to let go sometimes,
  • - Keep working my heart out as much as in 2012...

 You might have get it, I'm full of good will. I'm currently in my sweatpants on my way to sit-ups (true!). I wish you a wonderful new year 2013 full of projects, love, encounters, money even (it kind of helps) and lot of DIY, I kiss you much and may 2013 starts here...

 PS: I'm sorry I didn't get the time to answer your last comments, but as of today I am here, and for those of you who are asking about my 3 fingers silver ring, I had it done in India... But maybe in a few months it will be available on the Etsy boutique, fingers crossed!

What about you my sweeties, what is your number one resolution for 2013?



For this first Happy Friday of the year I'm wearing colors, I missed it green and pink, it's complementary and good for your mood... And I'm giving you my I-am-comfortable smile... I'm wearing my military jacket which is one of my favorite basics, a dickey necklace from Baruckelloa crazy Acne pink sweater, a DIY dress (my favorite dress made out of Crêpe de Chine with Monnet print remember?) and some adorable Mellow Yellow boots but remember them because soon you won't recognize them!

January 04, 2013