Hello my little cats, 

Here we go, you can start popping your advent calendars... And whoever hasn't eaten all 24 chocolates in the first few days of December, throw the first stone at me, but around here we're going to talk about Christmas. I haven't always been very Christmassy, or rather I used to say I wasn't "very Christmassy", and seeing all those decorations everywhere made my head spin, but then I stopped fighting it and I can tell you: "I love Christmas", I love the excitement of finding the perfect gift for everyone, the ever-growing to-do list to make everything perfect, the lights, the snow (I dream of it!) and the Christmas shop windows. Ever since I was a little girl, I've had the absolute fantasy of going to see the Christmas windows of Parisian department stores, and believe it or not, in 6 years of living in Paris, I've never been, mainly because the only time I could go was at weekends, and strangely enough, going to the boulevard Haussman on a Saturday made me fantasize a lot less in my twenties... And this year I was lucky enough to go to the inauguration of the PrintempsI'm telling you this because in Bordeaux (where I'm from) there are also Galeries Lafayette, and what made me dream was something I didn't have: "le printemps". At the time, I had it in my head that all the women who went into this store were dressed like Parisian women from the 40s, very new look, with a strangled waist, a big hat and bright colors... So when I discovered this year's Dior Christmas windows, so new look, so beautiful, I was, I confess, a little moved and I squealed like a child when Marion Cotillard cut the ribbon for the inauguration (I'm sorry I don't have any images of the actress, due to the human tide and general excitement, which only made me take blurred images or Marion from behind, level -15 of information c...). In short, I'd advise you to go and feast your eyes on it. Doll-phobics should stay away, but for the rest of you, enjoy it and let yourself be carried away... 



December 02, 2012