Hello everybody! We could have started the week with something more pleasant than accounting, but you know what? I don't want to lie to you. Numbers are as important as your spine (I can't believe I just wrote that)... so if this isn't your thing, but you'd like to have your own business, here are three options:
  • Stick your head in the sand. This isn't really a solution because it won't help. Numbers and taxes will always find you...
  • Find a friend that has a math related job. I suggest you try to understand what numbers they're playing with all the live-long-day, because the day that they take off, you'll have to know what's going on and take care of things!
  • Deal with it and get to it. Then you'll understand how the system works. When you see that your business is growing, you'll love accounting!
It's important to quickly figure out if your business is profitable or not, so that you know if it's worth continuing all your hard work, and so that you can find out how to make it more profitable! So get up and roll up your sleeves. Everything's going to be okay. Anyways, accountants aren't just there to cost you money, they're there to make you money so get some help! After establishing estimates with your expert, he's not going to go digging in your twelve different purses to find receipts and other invoices that aren't printed out. So start the accounting playlist and everything will be fine. See you tomorrow!
https://open.spotify.com/user/makemylemonade/playlist/4yHGUS1Mr8yS9bV5PXdMfB This magical calculator was made by our paper expert, Charlotte, the Pinata Queen! calculator-okay Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
November 01, 2016