I know I'm about 2 months behind schedule, which is almost as long as it took me to organize this party, but I just had to have time to digest it! It was incredible, both the preparation and the way the evening unfolded. I was under a bit of pressure, though, as it was my first Christmas in our home sweet home in Paris, and I think it was also the feeling of becoming an adult... But what an adventure, preparing Christmas for 10... I realized the magnitude of it all on the morning of the 24th, in my 3 m2 kitchen, on my one and only worktop, dishes piling up, all the members of my family suddenly 4 years old, trying by all means to infiltrate the famous gigantic kitchen, not forgetting Frida, the mini-cat who picks up absolutely every ingredient that accidentally falls on the floor, etc... Apart from some shaky logistics due to lack of space, it was great, everyone played the game, yes because there was a dress code, (I'm like that what do you want ...) sequins, glitter, glitter for the chicks and bow tie tuxedo for guys, it was famous coming from them ... that, that was Christmas. THANK YOU again for everything,


February 09, 2012