

And hop! 

Here is a little back-to-school post...! I'm all excited, there are so many things going on that I want to talk to you about! I have to wait until the end of the week to tell you but you'll see, September is going to be cra-zy around here... Okay, stop with the stamping!

Today, back to normal with a little recipe not really in the line of a healthy-back-to-school-resolution but I'm working on that as well... I was thinking that a good Banofee pie was a way of extending the holidays through the resumption, to keep the sun and the sweet... Next week we'll start the detox week. If, like me, you ingest Rosé and ice cream instead of water to hydrate yourself, resumption sounds difficult as much with your fridge as with your abs...

I highly overestimated the needed amount of bananas to make this recipe, so much that it is now very difficult for me to eat one more piece of it... Waiting for the "salad" week, I'm starting this one with a little "banana-detox"...

Lisa Banana.




To make this kind of sweet and savory Banofee, you will need for the base:

  • - 300 g of digestive cookies
  • - 100 g of salted butter.

For the banana mix:

  • - 20 cl of crème fraîche, 
  • - 3 eggs,
  • - 1 plain yogurt, 
  • - 40 g of sugar,
  • - 4 bananas.

For the caramel with salted butter:

  • - 25 g of salted butter,
  • - 10 cl of full-fat liquid crème fraîche, 
  • - 150 g of superfine sugar.

For the Chantilly and deco:

  • - 20 cl of very cold whipping cream,
  • - 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar,
  • - a beautiful banana.

To start with, put the cookies into your blender and make them crumbs. While you're making cookie powder, put the salted butter to melt with a Bain-Marie or a microwave for a few seconds. Then mix the butter and the cookies in order to have some sort of dough. Put the mixture into your mold and be careful to press it well with the bottom of a glass. When your crust is pressed in the bottom of your mold, put it in the fridge for at least one hour in order for the dough to harden and become a kind of giant cookie.




Meanwhile, let's get to the banana mix: in a bowl mix together the eggs and the sugar, then the cream and the yogurt. Put slices of banana into your blender to mash them and then put it into the previous mix. Take your "pastry shell" out of the fridge and pour the banana mix on top. Bake for 30 minutes in your previously heated oven at 180°C.

While your banana mix is gently baking, make the caramel. First of all, pour 50 grams of sugar into a clean saucepan and cook it alone until it becomes liquid caramel, medium heat, then add 50 more grams of sugar. When it also becomes caramel, add the rest of the sugar. Meanwhile, put the butter to melt with the crème into a saucepan, medium heat. Be careful not to boil it. When the sugar is melted as well, withdraw it from the stove and add the butter/crème mix into it, thinning it down. Put the lot on a low heat for 3 minutes, stirring all the time the caramel that will become smooth and creamy.




When your banana pie and your caramel with salted butter are cold, put a fine layer of caramel on top of the banana mix. Let it freeze in your fridge while you're making the Chantilly and cutting the slices of banana. To make the Chantilly, take your electric beater and beat the very cold whipping cream in a mixing bowl. When the cream is starting to take hold, add the powdered sugar. Then generously spread the Chantilly on top of the caramel and add he slices of banana as you wish. Little trick to prevent them to spoil: put a few drops of lemon on their top, and above all ENJOY!





September 02, 2013