My chestnuts,

I had a discussion not long ago with a friend who told me that yes, we girls have a pathology with handbags and shoes... Already putting aside the gently misogynistic nature of his remark, I pointed out to him that we shouldn't put all women in the same basket...

Indeed, if some women have a propensity for compulsive and repeated purchases to feed their gargantuan collection of shoes and handbags, I believe there are other women who have a more localized concern. Let me explain: in my family we are 3 girls, my mother, my sister and me.

My mother already has at least 80 handbags of more or less the same shape, ranging from beige to fawn, chocolate and camel, with the occasional touch of leopard. The collection of a lifetime... And then, on top of that, she must have a dozen pairs of shoes (she always buys the same ones, but that's another story...) Let's just say that Martine, that's her first name, is a purse woman. 

My sister Maureen (say "hello Maureen!") hasn't done an inventory of her closet recently, but knowing her well enough, I could say, excuse the expression, that she walks by sail (handbags) and by steam (shoes). Her heart doesn't sway between one or the other, it's big enough for both. Mau is a handbag and shoe woman.

As for me, I'd say I'm definitely a daily import shoe girl, but you know that. So if I'm writing to you today, it's because I'm opening, or rather, half-opening, the door to my handbag closet. Remember, for 2 years I carried my Mysuelly bag for easily 712 days in a row... A few months ago I gave it up for my crazy Erotokritos suitcase/handbag, but it's so big that I put my whole life in it, so big that I don't know how to stop and fill it, and at the end of the day I'm leaning. So I found my solution: a new darling, Gérard. It's a reissue of the 24h bag from Gérard DarelIn fact, the brand is relaunching 11 iconic models, and mine is the 2012 model... A great year for me, by the way, the year Make My Lemonade was launched! Anyway, I'll leave you with a few pictures of what's hidden in my handbag, and some tips on how to customize a beautiful leather bag without destroying it... if you know what I mean... I love the idea of hanging memories in it... Like Jane Birkin's Birkin, a handbag like a buddy that could accompany me over time and be a witness to the passing years. 

All this to say that you can't put all women in the same handbag... And are you more into handbags? shoes? or both? 

April 18, 2013