
Hello my birds!

I hope you're well... For the last ten days or so, the blog has been on autopilot. I'm not back from my vacation / honeymoon / slow life yet. But I'm slowly getting back to blogging and writing. I've received hundreds of photos of our wedding, and that makes me prolong the wave and flow of love in which we've been enveloped for the past 10 days. I thought long and hard about how to tackle the subject of the wedding on the site. How do you revisit this magical yet terribly personal moment? Of course, I took great pleasure in imagining this event, so like all the things that thrill me, I'm going to tell you about it here. But as I was saying, it's a very personal event, and I'm not sure that all my friends and family would really agree to it being posted on the Internet... So I thought I'd tell you all about the encounters, DIYs, good deals, favorites and surprises I had thanks to the organization of this event! 



At first, I thought it was a bit silly to say that your wedding was the happiest day of your life... For me, the happiest day of my life was the day I received my first K-bis, or maybe it was the day I received my first book, in short, something concrete... So for a wedding, I didn't want a meringue dress, a veil, little figures on top of a cake, bundles of green beans wrapped in duck breast, or even less a church. So we did it our way, and as you can imagine, these are moments that go by at lightning speed, and it's also a slap of love you'd never know! I received so many smiles and sweet words, kisses and good vibes... In the end, I think it was the best day of my life so far.


And it couldn't have happened so idyllically without my first crush, who was Aurélie C... This fairy organizes events better than anyone else, is afraid of nothing, and always seems to have a smile on her face even if the power goes out 1 hour before a party is due to start. I met her at the 10th anniversary of Café Mode, Géraldine Dormoy's blog, where I had the honor of sitting on one of the round tables. Aurélie was organizing the day, and I have to admit I was a bit overwhelmed. It was June 18, and I still had no idea how or where our wedding was going to take place three and a half months later... Talking to Géraldine about the pressure she was unknowingly putting on my shoulders, she gave me Aurélie's contact details, who literally helped me get back to sleep. An iron fist in a velvet glove. As our meetings progressed, we became friends, staying up late in little bars in Pigalle talking about absolutely everything except weddings... What I liked most about Aurélie is that she knows how to organize events with a capital E, and not just weddings, a wedding planner by necessity, but above all an organizer of joyful gatherings... So right away, we spoke the same language, we organized a big party, with highlights in a crazy location for 100 people who just wanted to celebrate love. So I can wholeheartedly recommend Aurélie's delightful talent for your wedding, your anniversary, your departure dinner for Bermuda, your press event... she knows how to do it all, from the smallest event to the most wow-factor. I've seen her do it, and I couldn't have been as calm without her... I suggest you keep her e-mail address somewhere [email protected] !


I didn't take any days off or vacations to prepare for the wedding, and I really wondered about preparing for the wedding at the end of June. At the same time, in my personal life, I'm a bit of a fly-by-night kind of person, but not too much, but a bit nonetheless. So when I left for Canada in August, I didn't have a venue for the wedding. Fortunately, on our way back, thanks to the wonderful Aurélie, we visited a sublime house with garden and moldings in Courbevoie, a little château. And then, 3 weeks before the wedding date, the owner canceled the rental. It's at times like these that I bless my father for having lulled me with the gentle mantra "there are no problems, only solutions". After a deep breath, and a few jokes to bring the pressure down, Aurélie found a crazy place inside Paris, an architect-designed house "under construction" in Denfert-Rochereau. Having both left everything for the capital, getting married in Paris was a bit magical and unexpected. And as everyone had warned me that it was all going by too quickly, we decided to get married over 2 days, to make the happiness last and really enjoy ourselves (at least try to see everyone). Friday at the 19th arrondissement town hall, followed by an impromptu drink in the Buttes Chaumont, and in the evening, with close friends and family who had made the trip, we went to the Lemonade Studio for a little cocktail party. And the next day, we put up the decorations in the house in Denfert and had a secular ceremony, followed by a little dinner and then the party! 2 days, 2 dresses, lots of hair, and even more love and energy for this new beginning! By some inexplicable stroke of luck, it was summer for 48 hours on October 2 and 3, after which I'm definitely convinced that I have a lucky star somewhere...


I hope you'll enjoy this, and I'll be talking a bit more about decoration and fashion over the next few days. In fact, I wore the Lolita Wear Lemonade dress, made from off-white cotton satin (by the way, the pattern is back!). online ! ) with a lucky blue button on the back, given to me by Delphine Manivet and the most incredible shoes on the planet from Gordana Dimitrijevic. A lemony bouquet made with flowers Bloom's by myself the day before, DIY as you like it. And I was lucky enough to have my hair done by the god of scissors, Cut by Fred and make-up by my loving friend Nelly from the blog Make My Beauty. Pampered by the people I love, it was a great start to the most beautiful weekend of my life.


All photos were taken by the talented Martin de Say Cheers !

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October 12, 2015