

Hello my little cats! 

I hope you're all well! I'm back today to tell you about an extraordinary trip to Venice. I think it's a great destination to continue our special Christmas and Pierrot the Moon weeks! Venice was my first time. And I must say it lived up to its reputation. As luck would have it, the weather was unbelievable, so it was a bit of double or nothing as we were in Venice for just over 48 hours. Two days to soak up the fragility and magic of this city.




As I already told you in my "story" at LisbonI'm a light junkie. I can spend long minutes contemplating the color of a wall. But then, I was overwhelmed. I had the delirious sensation that being in this city was an absolute privilege. Like a miracle that this city is still standing.




I had visited Lisbon a few weeks before Venice, and found a colorful, somewhat similar atmosphere, although Venice is much more decadent and vulnerable. It's a crazy city, both breathtakingly beautiful and deliriously photogenic. In fact, as usual, I'm unable to edit any of the photos, and end up with 60 that I love. A small detail, a vibrant color... So I've made you an album about Facebook with all the photos enlarged! I look forward to your feedback! 




 Admittedly, I didn't ride a gondola, but vaporetos are also an excellent way to discover the city, from the Grand Canal. Besides, a pedestrian city without any cars, where the only way to get around is by boat, is pretty damn magical... I'm not telling you anything, but it's so romantic. During the day, I find Venice a sort of Disneyland for adults, and at night it's all so dark, so silent, so disturbing, I was afraid a masked person with a big cape would appear, a la Amadeus... 




In terms of a city guide, I have to confess that I don't have a lot of addresses to give you, as the weather was sublime over the two days and I had a lot of fun getting lost. Arriving at the end of an alleyway that doesn't have a dead end but overlooks the water, going back and trying another route. I think I have a pretty good sense of direction, but in this city, it made no sense to me.

I can tell you about the hotel I stayed in, the charming house which is a really lovely place, not at all Venetian palazzo-style, but a real boutique hotel in the heart of Venice. It's a sort of private home with a variety of gorgeous rooms. In fact, there are 3 addresses in Venice, so the hotel's real name, DD724, is actually the number of the street where it's located. The service is impeccable, and the people in charge of the establishment are very attentive, especially on the last day...






Indeed, on the last day, we were leaving for a new adventure (I'll tell you more about this adventure tomorrow). And here's the tragedy: it had rained all night, and the water had literally overflowed its banks. There was water everywhere and at least 15 cm of it in the streets, but the Venetians didn't seem to mind. Fortunately, at our hotel reception desk, we were given fluorescent orange disposable boots to slip on over our shoes. A great moment of stylistic solitude. I have to admit, it saved us. I have the feeling that everything takes a very long time in this city. The water slows everything down and suspends the flow of time. 




So we take a vaporeto to the station, as we're leaving by train (and what a train it is!) Arriving at the station, in the rain with our fluorescent space boots, I can feel the mocking laughter of the tourists who've just disembarked, and I think they're in for a real treat with all this water! I'd really advise you to find out what the weather's like, and then it's really easy to get there: just hop on an easy jet, and you can fly there and back for a few days for less than 100 euros per person. So keep an eye on the weather! But if you're unlucky enough to miss the sun, the city is full of resources, with hundreds of museums and must-see buildings. And if there's water everywhere, the Venetians have a system of low tables, which they place end-to-end in the streets so you can walk around with dry feet. 


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To sum up, if you only have a short time in Venice, I'd advise you:

  • - Get lost in the city, literally forget the maps.
  • - Take a vaporeto like real Venetians, and discover the city from the Grand Canal.
  • - Drink hot chocolate at the Florian in Piazza San Marco... Okay, you pay an arm and a leg for any coffee, but this is the height of romance. Relax on the terrace after dark, listening to the pianist.
  • - Visit the island of Burano, to see the lovely pastel-colored houses.
  • - See Peggy Guggenheim's crazy art collection in her foundation (a stone's throw from the DD 724 hotel, by the way). Palazzo Venier dei Leoni 704
  • - Go for an Italian-style gelato at Gelateria Ca d'Oro, even in this weather - just thinking about it makes me want more! Strada Nuova 4273.

This list is by no means exhaustive! If you'd like to share your good addresses with us, don't hesitate to leave us a comment! Big hugs and kisses, and tomorrow I'll be telling you about an extraordinary trip: 24 hours aboard the Venice Simplon Orient Express! 



Photos taken with a Leica T, and a 75mm lens from a Leica M.

December 17, 2014