A few weeks ago, the cheerful Spanish team from Bershka, freshly arrived in Paris, visited me for 3 days, and I gave them my lemonade... They were there to make 4 short films, in which I had to give advice on how to "keep a blog", "find your identity", "inspiration"... A sort of survival guide to start your site with peace of mind... 

It's not easy for me to write this article, because in the end it's all about me, me and me. I may write to you every day, I may think about the blog often, very often, but in the end I only show you what I want to, and I often stay on the surface of things (looks etc...). And even if some things are obvious to me, like the name of the blog, or my way of working, or my inspirations, I often find it hard to express them, it's ingrained in me. And then, up until now, I've only been surrounded by hyperactive, creative people in all fields, and it's true that questions like "where does your inspiration for this project come from?", "how do you work when inspiration doesn't come?", or "what's your relationship with this material, why this one and not another?" are almost never asked. And when I do come across these questions, I often find myself at a loss, and I have to dig deep inside myself to find the whys and wherefores, because to tell the truth, I don't even ask myself these questions, I just do things and that's it (I do think a bit, though, I'm not a machine either)...

Anyway, to get back to the point, having to tell my story, give advice, and all those things, was a real exercise. And then for the shoot, I had to explain everything I was going to tell you in English to this little team before we shot. And I'm FAR from bilingual, so I struggled a bit with my English mixed with my very own sign language to make myself understood, but all in all I think we had a lot of fun and it was a great experience ( Thanks you guys! I hope to see you soon in Barcelona...!). 

I'll leave you with the first 3 videos... The fourth is a DIY, but I'm preparing an article with photos and other surprises, so bear with me! And please bear with my little voice... and my search for words... ("inspiration"...)

April 07, 2013