I've been preparing this post for some time now, having started talking beauty with Nailmaticbut this time I'd like to do things right and do them in style. Ever since I left home at the age of just 18, my mother made me promise 3 big things: - Not to come home too late at night, on my own (like being walked home, she didn't push me to bring home a different guy every time I finished a party late...) - To always have a pair of ballet flats in my bag. - And the third, and most important, is to remove my make-up every night. So there you have it, the survival kit for Parisian life... thanks, Mom. And I must confess that for a long time, I didn't remove my make-up very well, and I had no idea what I could put on my skin, so until a year ago, I used to remove my make-up with Biactol, truth be told, I remember Nelly's face from Make my beauty When I told her about it... Anyway, I can't hide the fact that the blog has helped me a lot to put things right, as I'm often asked to test new products, I wanted to tell you about them but also to let you benefit from them, so I waited a while to test the products over the long term (the end of the jars...) and to give you my little TOP of make-up removal products. The aim was to give you the chance to win a complete make-up removal kit. I hesitated to start with a "make-up" kit, but I decided that for me, the most important thing was to have beautiful skin first, and then to embark on the art of make-up removal.... 



So, to begin with, I'm going to tell you about my favorite product, the make-up remover cleanser, Stri VectinAt first, I read "soothing", a term that's always made me smile on a cosmetics bottle. What do you mean, soothing? it's going to comfort me, console me? give me a cuddle? but believe it or not, well yes, my skin is cuddled every time, the texture is really like that of a thick cream, the product doesn't lather much, but once it's removed, I never have that feeling of skin pulling. After washing, I just apply a little toner. Nuxe to tighten the pores, a nice fresh feeling all over the face and a to-die-for rose scent, I love it!  



On to moisturizing with a little organic cream Fun'ethic on the bottle it says "day cream", I don't think you're going to stay awake if you use it in the evening, but I use it in the evening and it's a treat, a nice orange blossom scent, for me who has combination skin (yes, it's not glamorous I know) but it's good for the evening because I find it a little richer than the one I use in the morning (which matifies), and it's perfect for a good night's moisturizing. And the body oil Fun'ethic it's a bit of a bonus, it's the product I finished first because I must admit, the smell of coconut drives me crazy and before going to bed I spread it all over my body from head to toe (great on dry feet, by the way), this product is still great for the evening because it's not a dry oil and I'm a bit "sticky" for a while after using it...  



 And the products Vichy on the eyes... which are an absolute must because I must admit I wear a lot of eye make-up and I'm quickly a panda by the end of the day, so for a long time, out of laziness, let's not mince words, I did it half-heartedly, but now I feel I have fewer lashes (I'll come back to this later) I do things right and the products Vichy are a real pleasure for my sensitive little eyelids and still a rose scent to roll on the floor, I even use it in the morning sometimes to wash my face, before my shower, just for the joy of smelling that scent... 



 And the latest products M2They're a bit of a gimmick, but their promise makes me want to make the effort to remove my eye makeup completely, and not just once, but twice. In fact, as I was telling you, I was finding that I had fewer eyelashes due to my habit of not removing my make-up. And then, when I was offered the products M2 products, which activate the growth of your eyelashes. These products are to be used as a duo, the serum at the base of the lashes, then the revitalizing transparent mascara to fix and stretch the serum... After a few weeks of daily use, I must admit that I can see a difference, and I'm not paid to tell you that! I don't know if it's the length or the volume, but something is definitely happening, and it's forced me to adopt a killer make-up removal routine... 



I'm sure that not everyone can afford all these products, which is why I'm offering you the chance to win them, a kind of Christmas before its time... but I also know that without buying a whole kit with top-notch products, a little splurge now and then to make yourself feel good never hurt anyone... I'd like to give you a big kiss and good luck with the competition. To enter, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me what your make-up remover fixture is? As you can imagine, it's eyelashes... I'll draw the winner (who knows?) on Tuesday at 12pm!

PS: I'll reply to everyone tomorrow

December 01, 2012