Hello everyone!

Today I'd like to tell you about Charlotte, Cha, Chachou, Carlotta... Charlotte I met nearly 2 and a half years ago, when I was looking for an intern to help me with set design and content for the blog. Charlotte is the witness of evolution. What I liked about her was that she only knew the blog by name and was there a bit by chance, but she had a confidence and experience in the print media that I liked straight away. I remember closing the door of my house and thinking that it would be complicated to receive the other candidates, and yet she was only the second one I'd seen...

A month later, she joined me on my sofa and one of her first tasks when she arrived was to cover an entire wall with tissue paper to make a Piñata wall for the shoot. here. What madness, and I think it was a trigger for her, my queen of piñatas! We've done every job that's humanly possible, and she's always been there, whether it's demolishing a kitchen, moving an office in less than 24 hours, embroidering tiny paper flowers, installing a window at 5 in the morning, or installing one that wasn't the result of our work at 1 in the morning. And so much more, because in 2 and a half years, I think Charlotte's life must have come full circle with Make My Lemonade. Charlotte is terribly talented, ready to climb a mountain if she so chooses, and always there to remind us that kindness is king.

Today, Charlotte is in charge of everything that happens on Make My Lemonade, making sure that everything runs smoothly, that I've written my texts on time (no easy task), planning the blog shoots (coordination is quite a feat), as well as the workshops (two coming up very soon), she's a very good production manager, comes up with ideas for subjects for the site and, above all, she excels at paper creations! At the last Open House, one of our readers was curious about Charlotte's background, and we thought it would be a great idea to tell you all about it here. So, as time goes by, I'll be introducing you to the people behind Lemonade Studio on a regular basis! So I'm starting today with my historical lemon: Charlotte S.

  • Guidance counsellor question: Charlotte, tell us about your background?

It was obvious from secondary school that I wanted to do a BAC STI in Applied Arts, and in no time at all I was accepted at the Lycée de Sèvres (the 3 most incredible years of my schooling, this place is magic!). As my high school years progressed, I decided I wanted to go into fashion or textiles, so I went to Lille (or more precisely Tourcoing, but Lille sounds more glamorous...) to do a BTS Design de Mode et Environnement, fashion option. At the end of my first year, I wanted to do an internship in the press and I spent two months at Madame Figaro. I realized that, over and above the clothes-making side of fashion, what I really liked was showcasing the finished product, set design, photo shoots, etc. After graduating from my BTS, I joined the first class of the FCIL Image de Mode et Communication course (to learn the basics of photography/video for 4 months) and then did a 1-year internship at Shoes Up and Fricote Magazine. At the end of that year, I had 6 months left on my contract and I stumbled across the Make My Lemonade advert, and out of 50 girls interviewed, I was the chosen one! Since then, I've been the Queen of Piñatas at Lemonade Studio.

  • Question of illusion and disillusionment: Before starting your studies, what did you dream of doing later on? And in the end, did your desire change?

Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to go to art school, and watching "Des Racines et des Ailes" convinced me that I would become an art restorer! But I'm delighted that through my studies and internships I've been able to work in so many different fields and see my desires evolve, so that today I'm a Swiss Army knife in several areas.

  • Today's question: You've been with us for 2 1/2 years now. If you had to change something in your daily life, what would it be?

I've always liked the fact that we're on all fronts, even if it's sometimes exhausting. I love the energy that's created when you're working on several projects at the same time! So today I think I'd just like to sleep a bit more some weeks, but it's for a good cause!

  • DIY question: What's been your favorite project to work on since you joined the little Make My Lemonade?

Oulalalala the choices are vast, but I think the window display projects for which we produce structures, tinker, glue and assemble remain my favorites, with a special mention for window displays. Saint Louis (the love of paper!) and the Sonia By (Queen of piñatas forever).

  • Question madeleine de Proust: What job did you dream of doing as a child?

As I said, I always wanted to be an art restorer, but I also remember that I had a passion for ham slicers, so I also dreamed of marrying a butcher so I could eat sausage all the time while watching him use the slicer! It's definitely a good thing that dream didn't come true...

  • Essential Question: If you had to be reincarnated as a Spice Girl, who would you be?

Gerry, of course, just for her crazy hair!

  • Survival Question: If you had to take just one thing with you to a desert island, what would it be?

Larusso's CD? No, seriously, a good book, or an inflatable raft (I also have a passion for inflatables, and this one would be particularly useful in this situation).

  • DIY question: What's your favorite DIY?

Once again, the choice is complicated! I'd have to say the DIY Grand Amourfor which I spent long hours embroidering, but it was a great moment of relaxation! And even though it's not ours, I'm a big lover of the DIY Paper Train by Lorenzo Papace!

Charlotte's totem objects...

May 04, 2016