

My little angels... 

What a week! You can be sure that all my posts and guests are ready to unveil their crazy recipes... But I haven't even had time to sit down for 20 minutes to write to you... So I'm going to pull out all the stops this weekend so that we can end this week on a high note with some incredible lunches and dinners! That way, you'll be in top shape for the final stretch of Christmas presents. Don't worry, we'll find our rhythm and everything will go smoothly... 

Tonight, we're having dinner with Alison... Alison is my American friend, a darling of a person who knows all about brand communication, is always ready with good advice and is super sharp on strategy. I love calling her just to hear her American accent and her infectious laugh... I can see a bit of myself in her, she's hyper-active, always juggling a thousand projects... She's a girl who does good around her and she seems to like it, through her words, her presence but above all through what she puts on our plates... 

Some time ago, I discovered her from another angle. I was on my way to the Dirty Dick to kiss my friend Scott goodbye, and there I found Alison regaling the packed bar of a few hundred people with recipes, each one healthier than the last, to ease my conscience after all those cocktails... At a private party Yelp... This girl is everywhere! 



  • Hello Alison, can you introduce yourself in a few words?  

I'm a consultant specializing in fashion and lifestyle for French and international brands. I've just created SCOUTa communications, marketing, research and management consultancy. 

  •  Tell us about your "super food" concept?

 Paris Super Food is a pleasure project that began as a series of tastings around the idea of super foods. It started naturally with preparations for myself and my loved ones. Then I started making allergen-free desserts, vegetarian and raw food recipes, organized detoxes, a few caterings (yelp evening) and more recently culinary advice in France and abroad.  

  • What was your first culinary madeleine de Proust? 

 There are so many. Since I was very young, I've always been very adventurous when it comes to taste. I was four years old in a restaurant in Memphis, where a waiter told me I had a "precocious palate". 

  •  What triggered you to take care of yourself through the plate?

A parasite caught in Barcelona, food allergies diagnosed at the same time and travel, especially to Greece, where you can eat so well - local, fresh, seasonal produce.  

  • What's your favorite ingredient, the one you use everywhere, with your eyes closed?

 Chilli pepper and olive oil. 

  •  What's the dish you make yourself when things aren't going well (which also works for the day after a party...)?

 Miso soup, rice sautéed with ginger, spices and vegetables, or a hearty froutalia (a kind of Greek omelette stuffed with potatoes and zucchini). 


  • Your detox tips before and/or after the holidays? 

 "Always excess in moderation...". Afterwards, it's a Mediterranean-Japanese diet, few starchy foods, (lean) proteins and lots of greens. And never strict or trendy diets, which completely disrupt my body. 

  • You're a kind of Swiss army knife of communication, always on the lookout for new and unexpected recipes. Is opening a restaurant with a great concept on the horizon?

 Ha! There are no plans for that at the moment. My schedule and my head are mostly filled with research and advice for SCOUT, plus the occasional catering* job. But I'm hoping that a culinary travel project might come to fruition one day. 

fiche Alison


Kale is a type of kale, adulated by Americans for its detoxifying properties... This Kale craze is coming to France, to find out more visit this website the kale project.

 Culinary photos to follow on Instagram @alisonbeckner & @parissuperfood #promiscuouspalate.

* catering

December 06, 2013