That was my surprise! To round off the "In the Navy" fortnight, I wanted to offer you some small ephemeral tattoos of a freshwater sailor... I found them! a site that sells special tattoo sheets for home printers, I'd planned to do this article much earlier but crashed-tested different papers before finding the rare pearl, I received two others, thinking they were all, more or less, the same thing, working on the principle but think again, this brand Silhouette Americabrand really knows what it's talking about in terms of "decals". I hope you like these little tattoos, which I'll show you in this article, but you can also download them here. HEREalready modified (with a little photoshop axial symmetry (mirror effect)...)

I'm not going to teach you how to apply a tattoo with a wet cloth ( with polka dots optional... ) or a sponge ( less photogenic). This paper is really good, because once you've printed it, all you have to do is put a cover on it (supplied in the envelope) and stick it on the printed sheet, which plasticizes and makes your tattoos more resistant... and of course you have to remove it before wetting the front of the printed side, otherwise it won't work... Just like the Malabar tattoos of our childhood... ( sorry for the little head, I'm shaken by lots of beautiful things at the moment, it happens!!)

and there you have it my little kittens, a DIY, and a bit of illustration at the same time, enough to keep you going before the big news! I hope you enjoy it, and see you soon for the end of Cannes...


The two little boards fit on an A4 format, and yes, I've drawn flowers, because I've got Jean Paul Gaultier's sailor in mind... with little flowers tattooed on his chest, Ahhhh le Mâle!


June 08, 2013