
Hello my little chestnuts! 

I hope you're enjoying this day off to fill up on vitamin D. It feels like it's been 100 years since the weather in Paris has been this good! I'll drop you a line to share this seasonal recipe, perfect for vitamins and full of good sugar, so you can have a tasty snack or a fat breakfast without feeling guilty! And with agave syrup on the granola, it's a vegan recipe that needs no cooking, just a good blender and a fridge. What more could you ask for? I hope you like it! Big hugs and see you tomorrow! 


Cereal base :

  • - 4 tablespoons of the best clementine juice ( from Corsica is even better )
  • - 2 tablespoons coconut powder
  • - 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
  • - 200g pitted dates
  • - 70g walnuts
  • - 70g almonds 

Creamy layer :

  • - 125ml coconut milk
  • - 100g cashews (soaked overnight in water) 
  • - 40g coconut powder
  • - 2 tablespoons agave syrup
  • - Fresh clementine slices for decoration!

So, kittens, in your blender, blend all the ingredients for the cereal base until the mixture becomes a sticky paste that detaches easily from the sides of the food processor and the blade. Line the bottom of a flat-bottomed casserole dish with parchment paper. Place the cereal mixture in the bottom of the dish and flatten with the palm of your clean, moistened hand - much more practical than the bottom of a glass. Set aside in the freezer. 

Next, in your blender, grind the drained cashews with the coconut powder, then gently add the coconut milk and agave syrup, continuing to blend until you obtain a fairly smooth paste. Remove the cereal base from the freezer and pour the cream evenly over it. Sprinkle with a little coconut powder and store in the freezer for 2 hours.

Just before serving, take your dish out of the freezer and wait 15 min before enjoying. While you're waiting, cut and decorate the top of your bars with very thin slices of clementine. Using a sharp knife, cut into rectangular bars. And don't forget to wipe the blade of your knife well between two bars, to obtain neat rectangles. Enjoy! 


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November 11, 2015