

Hello loves,

Some of you may have guessed it, others may have read it somewhere on the Internets, but yes, I'm getting married! I don't know whether to use an exclamation mark or three small dots! I'm so happy and at the same time, this is all so personal... I'm lost but happy.  

I'd never asked myself the question "Do I see myself married? The answer was no, well yes, the answer was "yes, definitely, to wear a beautiful dress and throw a huge party". Not very deep reasons, I grant you, but very valid ones nonetheless! But I met the man who made me want to jump into the deep end, even if it's a crazy thing to do. I love the idea of being madly in love, so that we want to say "forever" to each other, to make each other want to be better...  

For the last 4 months, I've been wearing this little ring and I've loved keeping it for myself, for us, for our loved ones, and then a few days ago, it became official, well, on the internets, so I'm doing a press briefing today to tell you the news, which makes me dizzy, because it's concrete, I'm getting married...

But it also raises a new question in my mind: why do we say "Congratulations"?

Because we haven't actually done anything yet! We've embarked on the complex business of organizing a wedding, and we should be told "Bon Courage, les gars"... At first, I thought, why "Congratulations"? "Congratulations on finding a good guy"? "Congratulations on this new love collaboration"? And then I mentioned it to people around me, and they told me I was stupid and must have grown up in a cave, but that it was to say "That's too much ball for you!" or "TOO GOOD I love drinking champagne for 72 hours".  

And then, all of a sudden, I wonder about the limits of what I want to show you, to share here. Because after all, it's me, Lisa, who's getting married, it's not Make My Lemonade... But at the same time, it's going to be 100% DIY, at least I hope so, so I think I'd have a hard time not talking about it here either... 

 Anyway, it's all a blur... I don't really know, I'm groping my way along, and it's funny how when it comes to doing things for yourself, it's a different business. So I'm moving forward, between inspirations and fittings... And then finally, my head is so busy with 10 other projects that I haven't yet really projected myself in white. 

Kisses and thanks for all your kindness...


You can find the English version here
April 02, 2015