A different kind of fashion 

Far from the codes of fast-fashion, we've been striving for 3 years to offer you a different kind of fashion. Limited, reasonable quantities that adapt and evolve according to your feedback and our growth. 
Today, we're proud to have built a history of trust with you, and to have forged relationships with our Parisian, Portuguese, Macedonian, Spanish and Italian manufacturers. 
This trust and these relationships enable us to take control of our production, to move lines and change bad practices on our own scale. Above all, we learn to produce in an increasingly responsible and fair manner. 
The price on our labels includes the development of our exclusive fabrics, the manufacture of our garments in Europe under the best possible conditions, the transport of our pieces to our logistics company in Aveyron, the careful preparation of your orders on their way to you, the wages of our brilliant team and, of course, a margin to help our project grow. 
We're not a rocket ship, we don't want to explode in mid-air, burn our wings, or run a hundred hares at once, but we do want to grow at our own pace, with our own ideals, and one of our main ideals is to offer you our fashion at fair prices. In this concern for fairness, there's no hidden margin for slashing prices in early January or early summer. 
Our ambition is to manufacture limited quantities. We don't restock, and we always try to produce responsibly, without making bets on sales we can't keep.

And as you know, it's hard to read the future, so we often run out of stock, but sometimes we're over-ambitious in our desire to see you wearing very colorful pieces or with too many prints. 
These pieces join our archives, which we keep preciously to punctuate the year with surprises, like during our Lemons Days or for the Last Chance area of our boutique.
Now you know how we work at Make My Lemonade, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, all your comments are read and shared with the whole team! 

Let's grow together and above all: Make Life Happen!
January 09, 2019