
exclusive Iphone shells dominoes, mouths, lemons etc.... Visit us at here !  

My little cats, 

Pierrot weeks are coming to an end! I hope you enjoyed preparing them as much as we did! We still have a few surprises in store for you! And yes, for Christmas, we're finally going to launch our little online boutique full of products stamped with the Pierrot logo. Make My Lemonade ! We're so proud, and so full of love!

First of all, you need to know that our products are made in France (well, except for the tote bags in England, but that's not so far away) or in our office with love, patience and magic sweat. 

 I hope you like our pouches, tote bags and Iphone cases, and if you think a friend, little sister or dear aunt might like them, please think of us! I hope you'll want to pick up the moon and hang it in your living room or over your bed, and don't forget to send us your photos along with your designs. our creations !



 Moon wallpaper, cut to size in 3 strips! 

The famous sewing patterns are arriving soon... Now we can say it, if we don't have our own store, we're officially opening the boutique! MAKE MY LEMONADE online shop! 

A big, feverish kiss on both cheeks! 

And as a bonus, because I want you to be able to continue living under the sign of Pierrot, you can download our Dominos wallpapers!

December 11, 2014