Have a great start of the week!

A little gift post for me, but especially for you! I'm delighted to tell you about it, because along with 3 other bloggers, or rather 3 other people with websites, we've been contacted: Baothe materialist, Timai and myself to tell you about an Etsy contest that's a bit special... I hope you'll play along because it's worth it and I find the principle original and innovative. I no longer need to introduce you to Etsy, which I've been using since the start of the Make My Lemonade adventure, because I'm an Etsy "seller", I'm also an Etsy "buyer", but I'd even go so far as to say that I'm an Etsy "hunter", but the question is, are you too? 

To find out, visit the Etsy facebook page, where the wizards of the famous platform have developed an application for finding "my perfect gift". You're beginning to know me, and I've given Etsy a few headings/tracks to guide you too... So the principle is simple: you go to facebook, to the famous application. Stroll through the various sections: "Vintage tableware", "head band flowers", "iPad cover" etc. And vote! Vote for the gift you think best suits me, the one that makes you think "that'll make her happy"! In a week's time I'll receive the list of the 20 gifts that have received the most votes. I'll choose one (and hope it's still available...) and Etsy will randomly select 1 winner from the voters of the gift I've chosen. The winner will receive a 200-euro gift voucher to treat their loved ones, or themselves! Happy treasure hunting to you all! Big hugs and kisses, and see you soon! 




December 10, 2012