How did you come to meet Make My Lemonade? Did you know about the Villa Cavrois?

Julia Jean-Baptiste: Je met Lisa a few weeks ago at a party organized by the girls of the Patine brand and we really hit it off! I fell in love with her daughter Suzanne's cheeks :) She wrote to me a few days later and asked me to shoot the new Paris to Memphis collection. It was such a great experience, an ultra-cool team in an incredible place I only knew by name. My mother is an architect, so I grew up with a particular sensitivity to monuments, and it was really crazy to shoot in a place with such a soul. I was completely fascinated by every single room! What's your favorite feel-good song? You're Not Special Babe by Orla Gartland! I love it.

Your first memory of singing?

Julia Jean-Baptiste: Karaoke at the campsite when I was little, which is where I did my first concerts, actually haha! Every year, I'd look forward to karaoke night and sing Balavoine with my mom.

When did you know you wanted to devote yourself to music?

It came naturally, I joined my old band Pendentif in 2014, and I immediately loved going on tour, being on stage, meeting new faces. We released two albums, went on tour in China, the Balkans, and all over France, and pretty soon I realized that I was the happiest person in the world when I was living those moments. Then I started writing songs under my own name, and I experienced some great moments of ecstasy. It's not an easy job, there are periods of doubt, but the joys are so intense that they sweep away everything in their path!

On the networks, we saw a portrait of you painted by your grandmother Raymonde, whom you describe as a complete artist. Did seeing her creativity blossom inspire you to explore your own?

Absolutely. My grandmother, my mamie Doudou, is a huge source of inspiration. There's a light that emanates from her, even at 90 she's still full of life and regales us with her laughter at every family lunch. She has always sung, painted landscapes of Martinique (where she came from) and drawn in secret. She had beautiful dresses from the '70s in her closet, and I used to try them on with her. When I was little, I used to imagine her as a star, on a stage under the spotlights, dressed in bright clothes. Her life story has been completely different, but she will always be my idol and my greatest treasure.

What's your fondest concert memory?

At the release party for my EP a few months ago, the audience sang along to the "payaya" from my song Solo. It was so moving. I'm the kind of person who's not very good at hiding my emotion on stage, so it was quite a challenge to keep singing when I had tears in my eyes!

Your favorite place to play?

I had the immense good fortune to sing in the group Nouvelle Vague and 3 years ago we sang on a boat off the coast of Syracuse for other boats, on the open sea, just as the sun was setting. It was a completely timeless moment!

Before going on stage, what emotion dominates?

Excitement. When I feel my stage fright rising, I tell myself that I'm extremely lucky to be doing this job, and the little stress in the pit of my stomach turns into an inner fire! I just want to eat up the stage!

Which artist would you like to collaborate with?

Etienne Daho, a dream!

What instrument do you dream of mastering?

The guitar, in big guitar hero mode :) I work, I work...

What were the inspirations behind your first album?

Life. Without really wanting to, I realized at the end of writing this record that I was writing about the simple things in life, the things we don't always see, that we don't take the time to really observe: people, disillusionment, love, everyday life. This album is really a 3D picture of what goes through all of us, I think.

What's the last sound that moved you?

"Close To You" by Dayglow. I've been listening to it non-stop!

Your favorite weekend ritual?

Cuddling on the sofa.

When you're not composing, what do you like to do?

I love people-watching on a café terrace. It's one of my great passions in life, I love watching the everyday scenes that unfold before our eyes without us paying enough attention. Sometimes it inspires me to write songs, sometimes it just puts a smile on my face, and that's all very well.

If you had to choose one outfit to wear for eternity?

Panties and a loose T-shirt in the sun. Living half-naked is life.

Fashion is a big part of your identity. How would you define your style?

Sunny, colorful, comfortable. I love patterns and fun clothes. I also wear a lot of clothes inherited from my grandparents; I love to feel them with me in everyday life.

Where do you go to recharge your batteries in Paris?

Yoga, at Riise. I got completely hooked a few months ago. When I go into the studio, I leave all my little worries at the door and come out lighter. I wasn't at all athletic until recently, but it's really become something that does my head good.

The address you couldn't live without?

Gros Bao, on the Canal Saint Martin. They make a spicy tofu to die for. Besides, I'm hungry!

What song lyrics particularly resonate with you?

"A morning like any other, a new Paris, looking for a little magic, in this morose inertia" Le premier jour du reste de ta vie, Etienne Daho. Finding magic in what surrounds us is perhaps life's greatest gift, isn't it? What's more, my parents fell in love with this song.

Any music news?

I've just released Music-hall, the first track from my debut album, which will be out in early 2023. It's a real thrill to share this song with you. I wrote it with my granny in mind, but I think it's about all women. After all, we're all tigresses.

Find Julia on her Instagram account @juliajeanbaptiste to follow all her news!

Thank you Julia <3

July 04, 2022