

Happy Monday, kittens, 

I hope you had a good weekend chasing the last of the Christmas shopping, looking for the perfect gift... I'm not hiding the fact that I've struggled a bit this year to find the right gifts, but it's not too late, I've still got 9 days... Hope springs to life. Yes, yes, I hear you: "She could make her own Christmas presents". Well, yes, but imagine, my little cats, that I've been making everything for 20 years, 20 years because let's just say that from the age of 5, I was wielding the Crayola and then quite soon afterwards, scissors and glue: the field of possibilities. And to cut a long story short, 20 years of Christmas presents x 10 (about 10 is the number of people present on the evening of baby Jesus' birth) means I've come up with 200 ideas (I'm rounding off, but include birthday presents). I'm not saying I've come up with 200 good ideas, but I've skimmed over the jewelry box covered in decopatch, the salt dough knife holders, and the making of clothes, jewelry, frames, paintings... (in 20 years of tinkering, you do get a little better after all). But guys, this year I'm skipping out, I've bought your gifts. I still love you as much as ever, but right now my brain's smoking.




So today I'd like to introduce you to my "MAKE MY PARTY LIKE GATSBY" table. I had the time of my life taking these photos (I love my work!). For the occasion I rented some photo equipment, as for SézaneFor the occasion, I rented photo equipment, as I did for Sézane, tinkered with my lighting, and it was so enriching to do everything, from table shopping to the set, all the while imagining little DIYs. I felt absolutely in my element, as if it were obvious that I should try to go further, to put myself in a bit of danger, by doing everything myself.




So for this table, I wanted a chic, slightly dark atmosphere, not really worrying but more like an adult Christmas, with a little seduction too. A Gatsby-style Christmas or New Year's table, in fact... With gold, silver, copper and black and white, and a tuxedo of course. But I also wanted to incorporate fir branches, gypsophila and wax to keep with the natural, slightly wintry tones.




You can download the "shirt collar and bow tie" placemats here. HERE. It's really quite simple - just a little paper, some glue and it's done. It doesn't cost you a thing, and what's more, it's sure to make a big impact. this article.




 And then I went a little crazy and made some candle art... What's candle art? Well, my little lambs, it's like nail art, but on a candle, a little painter's tape, some nail varnish and off you go... It's all very simple, but I think it looks pretty good, for a DIY on the go... Do you remember one of my first DIYs, of the silent servant? I know, it's come a long way (especially in terms of photos...) but I love using it for my table settings, as it adds height to the tables, and here I've used it as a little Christmas tree, covered with baubles of all sizes, and I've mixed the decor with little "cracker" puffs that I found so good at Picard( and yeah! ).




I just wanted to let you know that all the dishes and Christmas decorations were loaned to me by the Galeries Lafayette Maison. By the way, if you're in Paris, I'm holding an event there this Thursday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 pm to teach you how to ice a cake the traditional way. "bathing cap (The cake recipe will be online next week.




PS: I'm going to make an aside about the fact that I used naturalized animals for my set, because I have a feeling it's going to make a few people react. So yes, they're real animals, you can find that horrible, fine. I don't mind, and here I wanted to integrate them to play with a strange aesthetic, a bit like a cabinet of curiosities, but I really don't want to justify myself any further than that... If I could have had a real penguin and a real heron for this photo shoot, that would have been great, but unfortunately I don't yet have the Cartier budget to have a baby tiger on my set... it's silly (to say the least). If it's any consolation and you don't have to send me rocks or Brigitte Bardot, these are antiques on loan for the occasion, not animals savagely killed for this shoot. They're sort of "second-hand" animals, if you like, and he looks mischievous, this little penguin immortalized for posterity. I'm not going to talk to you today about my position on fur, eating meat, going to McDonald's, flying or leaving the tap running when you brush your teeth, but maybe that'll come. 

December 16, 2013