Hello my little cats!

I hope you had a good weekend - a little grey, but a weekend nonetheless! Yesterday, I had a crate of things to do, a Saturday full of futile activities but so much fun and then no, laziness, I just had applesauce on the brain. I spent a large part of my day lying on the shaggy living room carpet and playing Candy Crush, napping and going to the movies... Well, that was just too good! Without an ounce of guilt, I wandered around in a big, soft sweater, my hair tucked under a hat, and the only beauty gesture I made was brushing my teeth. In short, it did me a lot of good, almost as much as meditation... Meditating and relaxing, I'm discovering new possibilities...

 Today, I'd like to look back on a weekend in which I've been busy, and not just myself! As you may have guessed, I'd like to tell you about the latest workshop with Urban Outfitters, and what a workshop it was! If you knew all the ins and outs of this event ... I really thought this workshop would never see the light of day, and then we worked hard to make it happen ... So without further ado, I'll let you discover this day under the glass roof of our office.

It was a sewing workshop, and I wanted to introduce the participants, most of whom were complete beginners, to the joys of the sewing machine. I think these workshops should also be an opportunity to show that, despite its "threatening" side, the sewing machine is in no way insurmountable, and that above all you have to learn to trust yourself.

 For this session, it was a bit special because there was a television crew there, for the show Reportageswhich should be on the air by the end of the year. I was even more nervous than on previous occasions, as it's always a bit strange to meet you "in real life" when I'm usually comfortably seated behind my screen. So it was a leap into the real world, captured by our sweet Tania and the team at Reportages... There were lots of cameras all of a sudden, but everything went smoothly, from embarrassed laughter to giggles and general panic behind the sewing machines! The girls untied their fingers making paper peonies, set about making a Pierrot removable collar (soon to be do-it-yourself on your screens) and customized a little cat trapeze skirt.

Thanks to all participants. Many thanks to Marlette for these cakes. Thanks to Kusmi for this Christmas delight. If you'd like to see more photos of the event, go to the album facebook album of this workshop. And don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to find out about our next workshop partner! Many of you write to us to find out when the next workshop will take place and with whom, and if it's possible for several people to attend. At the moment, partnerships are often decided at the last minute, so it's even harder for me to tell you. And if you want to come with your girlfriends or celebrate a hen party, you'll have to wait a bit, but I'm dreaming of the day when we'll be able to hold workshop evenings in our future premises... To be continued.

November 09, 2014