

Hello my little cats,

As you know, with time and blogging, beauty has become a subject I'm passionate about. From testing products to watching tutorials on Youtube, I regularly find myself "procrastinating" on various subjects because I've just discovered a video from a Chinese blogger who explains how to make an anti-dark spot patch with egg white, yeast and a microwave. From Mac Gyvers of beauty to videos of youtubers showing us their collection of empty products. I love getting sucked into the depths of Youtube channels. I realize at 7.30pm that I haven't done half my to-do list, thanks to this new fascination with other people's beauty secrets and other beauty tips. 



If we're talking about all this today, it's because I've been lucky enough to be able to test a complete range of products  L'OccitaneLa gamme Angélique. For me, L'Occitane has always had a Mediterranean resonance, smelling of lavender, with authenticity and the use of natural products at the heart of their requirements.

It was a really good exercise; I'd never tested a complete range in crash-tester mode. In the sense that for 2 weeks, I abandoned all my other products and habits to test just this face care range.




So obviously it's become a real pleasure to take time for myself, to remove my make-up properly, to do the mask, the scrub (not every day, obviously), the toner, and the final touch, the moisturizer. But what a pleasure! Radieuse cream has become my favorite product, and I'm already a victim of beautiful packaging and that little retro look with the metal lid, so I was only too happy to try it out. I've even learned recently that there are two types of fine lines: expression lines, which you can't do anything about, they're there and unless you go for a little injection, they're there forever, but also fine lines, the nice ones that are there temporarily, you can make them disappear with a big dose of moisturizer. So this little radiant cream is really a wonderful discovery. In the morning, before putting on my make-up, it's a great base, but in the evening, I apply it in a thicker layer and the next morning, baby's bottom instead of my cheekbones, my skin is revitalized and radiant. 



So today I'm curious to know what you think of this range.

You too can try it out and give your feedback by buying this little pouch I designed myself! It contains one week's treatment with Radiant Cream. All you have to do is to the boutique to pick it up, or visit l' with the code BESTBLOG14, and go to the window below to answer the questions. In a second phase, one of the participants in this little survey will be drawn at random and, in addition to their samples, will receive 5 products. the Angélique range from L'Occitane. There's no reason why the same people should always be spoiled, and it's up to you to have your say. 


June 12, 2014