Hello my little kittens! 

I'm back on the blog after a few days "off line"! Because I'm planning a few things so that the next few months can live up to what's been happening around here over the past year! I'm here to share with you an article that's very close to my heart. A few months ago, as you know, I got married (tremolo in voice) and I've been testing and crash-testing things I'd been wanting to do for a long time. I've been indulging myself because, despite all the great opportunities that blogging can bring me, I rarely treat myself to little indulgences where I take care of myself. So here's the best of 3 things I loved doing while preparing for my wedding, because in the end, if all goes well, it should only happen once... So let's make the most of it!


To begin with, the smallest of details that will make all the difference! I've told you about it several times on Instagram, but for over a year now, I've been wearing false eyelashes that I'll change every 6 to 8 weeks. I'm truly hooked. I've converted quite a few girlfriends who have also become crazy about this doe-eyed look from the moment they wake up. Okay, they're very long, but for a long time I fooled people into thinking that I'd been particularly spoiled by the Mascara fairy. For the record, it took my boyfriend over 6 months before he realized anything... And to tell you the truth, I'm a crybaby - there's not an episode of Grey's Anatomy where I don't wipe away a little tear, to tell you the truth... So for the wedding day, with these XL doll lashes, I didn't turn into a panda! I've tried several addresses, but I always go back to Les cils de Mariewhere I'm always extremely well received and the quality of the extensions is incredible. They charge 130 euros for a first application, then 70 euros for fillers. 

Les cils de Marie
30 rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris



Another thing I'd been craving for a long time and which really was my salvation. When I'm stressed, I eat. I'm a real monster cookie and I can eat a cheese burger with extra bacon for lunch, a milshake for dessert and have a snack a few hours later in times of stress. I liked the concept of shedding pounds before the last wedding dress fitting, but it's not really possible at home... So I needed to stop thinking about what I was going to eat, and I needed something ready-made and healthy. I'd already tried juice cures, but the idea of eating nothing but liquids didn't really appeal to me. Then I found out that Detox Delight was offering a program of 3 light meals and juices. I was hooked! I lost 2 kilos, gained a flat stomach and great skin in just a few days!

Detox Delight delivers all over France and has just opened a juice bar at 106 rue Amelot in the 11th arrondissement, where you can try out their recipes. Botanical Detox Cure from €68 per day.


And last but not least, a favorite that I hope to repeat soon is the Spa O'Kari. Rarely have I felt so pampered, like a princess from a thousand and one nights. Right in the heart of Paris, it's an unsuspected haven of peace. You push open a porte cochère and, in a small courtyard, you discover an entrance that leads to the adorable SPA O'kari. Let me warn you, you'll need to have a good 2 hours to get there, as Karima, the hostess, is not stingy with the goodies. And to top it all off, at the end of the hammam/skincare/massage/bath, you're served the sweetest lemonade I've ever had (and I've had some). A real change of scenery. So, in addition to the Détox Delight treatment, I won't even begin to tell you what kind of skin I had when I left. Another idea: you can also go there with your girlfriends for a stopover at a hen party... The treatment I received was O'Kari Basic, worth 150 euros. 

22 rue dussoubs 
75002 Paris 

Kisses and see you tomorrow!

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December 15, 2015