I've been wanting to do a little column for a long time, but with DIY to prepare, bad weather, hair, cakes, elections, no time... Today I'd like to introduce you to a new column, "Les gens biens": they don't necessarily have a blog, they're not necessarily textbooks, but they're funny, kind, intelligent, beautiful (sometimes at the same time) and simply brilliant... My everyday heroes. The first one I'd like to introduce to you is Justine, my friend, the one who sets me straight when things aren't going well, who makes me die laughing all the time, who treats me to her little dishes every time... my BFF, in other words... Justine is a responsible citizen, she gets around by bike, it's good for nature and for her adbos, she dreams of growing her own vegetables on her window and she works in a big French advertising firm, which she often tells me you can't always trust what people want you to believe... Without further ado Justine B.

Hello Justine, could you start by telling us what's the first thing you do in the morning?
Justine B: A big slice of Camembert.
"Existential question: if you could be reincarnated as a Spice Girl, who would you be? Definitely Emma B for her 20-centimeter white platform sneakers. Eternal respect.
"HR question: what are your strengths and weaknesses?
"Elle question": what do you have in your handbag?
A watermelon-shaped wallet, a pair of sunglasses, a notebook where I write things down, a wrench (?!), a pom' pot and some Bubblicious chewing gum (Chewing gum so awesome that when you blow bubbles with it you can fly into space with your buddies and play in a giant fruit-shaped pinball machine while listening to great music). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wSC8Zj4xIw&feature=related)
"Question vitale" are you a blue card or a blue overall?
I'm more of an overdraft overdraft overdraft overdraft overdraft overdraft overdraft overdraft overdraft overdraft.
"If you had to choose just one person to take to a bunker in December 2012, who would it be and why?
I think it would be Paul Mur (editor's note: her lover). Because I'm sure he'd come with the complete box set of The Big Bang Theory, a portable DVD player, his weight in Dinosaurus and a jerry can of Coca Cola.
"What job would you have hated doing as a child?
Night watchman.
"Fashion blog question" the fashion flashback: you said: I'd never wear that, and yet you did... what was it?
Fishnet stockings. Yes, I admit I did it, but I'll never do it again, I promise.
"Question routard", the worst trip you could be offered?
A week of thalassotherapy in Ostend
" Question 2.0″ Which Iphone application would you be?
"Bonus question" Where is Bryan?
With Brandon, Branda, Kelly, Dylan and all the Beverly Hills friends
Shopping tip :
Bis, la boutique Solidaire (7 boulevard du Temple 75003)
The items sold in the store are all donated to Catholic Relief Services, carefully selected, restocked daily and very affordable. I found some real gems.
Restaurant :
The delicious Bo bun on rue Volta.
Beauty tip :
Salon Messieurs Dames 5 rue Dupuis 75003- I went for a short haircut last week. This salon has a lovely range of hair care products. Personally, I'm sticking to my Bumble&bumble pshit pshit for a "beach getaway, surfer girl hair" effect.
May 05, 2012