Back to the keys, back to the keyboard... 

It's been months since I last wrote here - I think it's been a year. And what a year it's been! My day-to-day life has changed in ways I never imagined: I've become an entrepreneur. Even though I've often talked to you about it, I was sketching out the contours of this function in my own way. If we stay with the pencilled metaphor, I can tell you that the lines are becoming increasingly clear. The great thing about shaping your own job is that the job description changes a little all the time, like a sketch that gets refined over time. I hope you enjoy my Plastic Arts teacher lexicon. 

Jokes aside, I love my daily routine (you know that, if you follow me on Instagram... I should even post more often). And recently I've been lucky enough to surround myself with new, super-competent people, which leaves me with a lot of free storage space in my brain to take on new, very, very exciting projects like opening the boutique (I can't believe what we're accomplishing right now),(more on that soon) and working on our next collections (we need to talk about that too). ! 

And then, since I've taken my mind off things I'm less passionate about, like accounting, I've had a renewed sense of inspiration. I don't think it was completely gone before, but I really felt more available to express myself creatively. Don't roll your eyes at me, I haven't taken up a frantic yoga practice, or meditated 2 hours a day, although that would do me a world of good. I have the sensation of being more available to myself, I find the time to sew for myself, to draw more, to redo photos on film... It's as if certain obligations had devoured my brain and prevented me from being fully me. I'm not saying that it's all smooth sailing these days, because I still make mistakes. Like, for example, putting off counting the pattern pockets and realizing that there are none left to launch a new pattern (Bella)... But the good news is that it's available in our Lemonade Pattern Corner!

What's that again? Some of you know what it is, but I'm going to give a little refresher course for the rest of you. Lemonade Pattern Corner is like the Netflix of sewing!. Today we have over 40 patterns online and every month we add one that you choose via polls in the insta stories, via our newsletteror even via our secret sewing group on Facebook. 

So to recap, every quarter with our clothing brand, we launch a new collection. At that time, you discover all our models and then vote for the patterns you like best. 

Then we produce the patterns, booklets and video on our e-shop. So far so complicated.  

We thought it would be nice to be able to start a sewing project at any time. Like on a rainy Sunday afternoon, wherever you are, without having to wait religiously for the post office to deliver your pattern. 

So yes, it's tedious because you generally have to print out around forty A4 sheets (for the pattern) and assemble them, then cut the whole thing out! I can understand why this might discourage some people. Personally, I hate having to cut the fabric; I'd like everything to be pre-cut so I only have to sew... No pain, no gain... 

So there are those who are motivated, and today I'm forced to note that more and more of you are taking up sewing with us. via our Lemonade Pattern Corner. 

Every quarter, we send a sewing gazette to your mailboxes (if you don't receive it, please send us an e-mail to [email protected] so that we can sort it out). And there's a twist in the newsletter, with a bonus hack of one of our patterns! 

And every year, for the anniversary of our meeting, we send you an exclusive pattern in paper version, so you can experience the physical Make My Lemonade. 

So sometimes things go wrong, we don't receive our gazettes for X or Y reasons, or we're a few days late getting them online, it wasn't the pattern you were expecting... Please know that we never want to disappoint you. We're still a small, slowly-growing team (7 employees, 3 freelancers and 1 intern, to tell you the truth). We do a lot of the work in the studio, such as assembling the paper patterns, and we're always trying to improve, but there are times when we're not so good, and your feedback helps us to improve.

So, you're probably wondering why I've been posting so many children's photos since the beginning of this article?

Because we wanted to give you this gift: here are 10 children's patterns, with a few mixed pieces, graded from 2 years to 8 years and available exclusively in the "Twists" section of our website. our Lemonade Pattern Corner ! For all our subscribers whose lives are changing as a result of becoming parents, for those who already are, and for those who simply want to treat themselves by sewing for their loved ones... Or even for DIY lovers in search of ideas for the birthdays of the little ones in their lives!

And we also wanted to encourage wanna-be seamstresses, those who want to get started but don't dare, for fear of being discouraged by too big a piece... There's nothing like starting with small pieces to take the fear out of going under the machine...

As you know, children's fashion is something of a first love of mine... So I was delighted to set up this project with a dream team! Here are some photos of Julie Perrot, who managed these 5 little ones with a master's hand. I'd also like to congratulate Philippine, our latest recruit, for her persistence and perfectionism with these 10 lemonade kids patterns! 

Kisses to you all!

July 11, 2018