My little plugs!

I've listened to you all and here I declare the week GRAAAOU open! Thanks again for your very inspiring desires, but I think I'm going to have the most fun with the feline theme... For those of you who are new around here, I like to set up a theme week every month: with a page of inspiration, a recipe, a wish list, a DIY and a look... The last theme week was in July with the "Yeah Beach" week, and you know, I've had a lot on my plate lately... But I really want to get back to my essentials and the things that make me feel good creatively speaking: imposing rules on myself, a set of specifications! I find that it gives structure, setting rules and rituals, at least for me, I feel freer to come up with ideas and solutions... Anyway, technique aside, I know that this week's "Graaaou" was close to some people's hearts, but I'm sure I won't get unanimous approval with the leopard print... although the kitten print might save me from losing you all... Anyway, we can't please everyone, but this week, I feel like revisiting the feline spirit! Grrrrr.... 



You can find all these images on my Pinterest A special dedication to my mom and Nardjisse B... <3

Ps: the winners of the contest have received an email! 

October 01, 2012