My little cats! 

How happy I am to find time to write to you! Back to school is crazy, it's keeping its promises, this weekend is a huge weekend for me, I'm delivering a project I've been working on for months, which is finally seeing the light of day and I'm so excited! Anyway, back to the point...

Today I'm posting a short video of my trip to Helsinki in August with my sweetheart of a friend MaiIt's a bit of a teaser video for a very big post I'm preparing for you, with lots of addresses, beautiful encounters and vibrant colors... In the meantime, I'll let you catch a glimpse of my trip to the land of elves and pixies! 

I've got so many things on my mind, so many desires and so many beautiful things coming my way... And they'll obviously be coming my way very soon too! I can't wait to share it all with you. It's so good to write to you! I'm sending you a busload of positive vibes, love and desires. 

Your faithful hyperactive Care Bear...


Thank you Amandine, Satü, Virpi... and Tania of course!

September 06, 2013