

My chestnuts! 

I've had Internet access since yesterday in this new apartment, and hot water since the day before yesterday, so I can now say that I'm back in 2014. Oh my God, it's so hard, I had no idea it was so hard to lose your bearings, to look for a new place to live, to fight to get it, to finally pack your life into boxes, to clear the air, to project yourself into a new space, and to keep your little business going. My brain has tried to sabotage itself on several occasions, but it often does that to me when I have to deal with 100 things at once... Between forgetting the latest workshop equipment in a cab, getting on a plane without ID or losing my laptop at IKEA, all in three consecutive days (I'll tell you about my best sabotages one day...) But the good news is that everything always goes back to normal, life goes on and there have even been curtains on my living room windows for a few hours now...




Let me explain... I visited this apartment on Tuesday, 10 days ago, and got the answer on Wednesday in a TGV train where I was catching every other word. I slipped out of my dressing room to sign my new lease, and last Sunday I was moving in the morning, and hosting the petit bateau workshop in the afternoon. I'm happy that this move is taking shape and that our new home is starting to feel liveable, even if we're missing crucial things like a sofa, a fridge and also a kitchen... But it'll come, I'm not worried... I'll be able to resume normal activities around here! 




And the real star of these photos is Frida! This cat is crazy, I love my Frida, I'm not sure the move has done her any good, despite the fact that she's spoiled rotten by our care... She spends her life chewing the pieces of tape that stick out of the boxes, I don't know if it's her way of communicating her displeasure, or her way of making me understand that I'm not unpacking the boxes fast enough, or just because she likes the horrible noise it makes, or the chemical taste it has... It's not me, professional bic compulsive chewer who would throw the first stone at her but please Fridou, if you're reading this post, stop chewing scotch at night, thank you.





Feline parenthesis closed today, I'm wearing one of my favorite looks of the moment, a pair of pink & Other Stories pants from an old collection, but another beautiful pink is available. hereSonia Rykiel derbies shopped on Sarenzaa shirt Lacoste Livea tuxedo jacket comptoir des cotonniers and a vintage men's hat or a Asos perfect here

April 05, 2014