

Hello my little cats! 

Hope you're doing well! It's Friday again! This sentence is going to become a running gag around here! But how is it possible to get sucked into this space-time rift every week! Now that there are more of us in the office, I don't feel as if I'm doing a project from A to Z on my own, and that's normal. But it's a long process of learning to accept that you can't manage everything at once. I'd love to be a wonder woman so I could have the time to do everything myself! Utopian and naive as I am, I realize that managing and delegating is a real job too, so, one step at a time, I'm learning. Even if sometimes I feel a bit helpless not being able to cut paper all day with the girls, I have to admit that we all work well together! 



Every day is different and brings its own challenges. My biggest challenge today is to feel legitimate even if I haven't "done everything" in the realization of a project. Let me explain: for me, if I don't suffer or if my work isn't a long and painful journey, I'm not proud. I need to sweat and literally give birth to a project, to feel like a real mother... My baby, you see? 




But my reality is quite different, it's really great to work in a team and be able to give advice and pass on knowledge. It's true that today I'm getting my head above water and juggling all these hats with delight! All this to say that I love my job, that I'm not forgetting you, and that I'm preparing this article on the underbelly of life as a company director, but I need to work on it! 




And for today's topic, I'm wearing a dress! Maje from the current collection, earrings HEMAan Asos coat, I can't find it anymore, but you've got it! this one very similar, boots Maje from an older collection, available here.


October 03, 2014