Happy Friday my little cats! 

I'm sorry I didn't post a wish list yesterday because I was at the bottom of my bed, but I can't just leave you in the lurch for happy friday, it's just not done! I'll make up for it tomorrow and Sunday too (surprise surprise). In the meantime, here's my happy friday special "diamonds" week, a very basic look, but okay, I admit I went a bit crazy with the accessories, but that's not insignificant... Because I'm showing you, I think, a big part of my personal jewelry collection - I'm a fan of rhinestones... but BIG ones, with a bonus (because I know a lot of you are asking me) jewelry designed for the brand I work for: Reine Rosalie... You'll see how discreet it is...


Today I'm wearing derbies SarenzaTightsplease tights, a skirt Asosa denim shirt Wrangler a floppy hat given to me by my boyfriend (we love hats in our house...) and Reine Rosalie jewelry, or because I needed an excuse to wear 36 pieces of jewelry at once in addition to a theme week... 



To tell you a little of the story, I did a bac STI in applied arts, so when I arrived in Paris I didn't need to do an "mise à niveau" to get into a fashion design school, as I like to save time... I was lucky (I had worked hard to get there) and I was able to get into one of the 4 major public art schools in Paris: Duperré, I did a BTS and a licence design de Mode option mode (yes because you can choose textile, accessory or fashion...) And during my studies I specialized in children's fashion, it was crazy, it was great, I did some top internships. I finished my studies in September 2009 and since then I've done a lot of things, I went to YSL, Saint Laurent sorry, under the "reign" of Stefano Pilati in the men's studio, I met some completely crazy and great people. And then I got wind of an opening at Bonpoint to be assistant to the Artistic Director. Even though children's fashion was my first love, I was lucky enough to meet a top designer there, Charlotte Ziegler, who offered me a job as a stylist in her new jewelry brand: Reine Rosalie. Today, I search for inspiration around given themes, I pencil, I make technical sheets on Illustrator (yum) and when the prototypes arrive it's often Christmas! As for the jewelry's style, it's a vintage feel brought up to date, with a good dose of self-mockery... A sort of Audrey Hepburn "breakfast at Tiffany's "2.0 for the broad strokes. For the moment, there's no website, but we're working on it. You can find Reine Rosalie window displays all over France in 8 Galeries Lafayette stores, and I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to our private sales next week. Here's the invitation! I hope I've answered all your questions! Have a great weekend! 

November 23, 2012