Oyé Oyé my rabbits, my chicks,

chickens and other farm produce,

 Happy Easter! I'm not going to start a polemic on this blog about religion, but I can tell you that for me, Easter may correspond to the resurrection of Christ, but it's above all a sacred holiday that entitles me to a holy 3-day weekend! I'm not blaspheming, I'm super atheist, which is to say, for the children in my family, Noah's Ark sounded like a Walt Disney movie in our heads. So, the Passion, the Resurrection and Lent are terms that don't mean much to me. However, as I'm a very tolerant person, and as you know I run a secular blog, a cyber-space where everyone has the right to blow their bellies out eating chocolate, whether to celebrate the end of Lent or just because it's a great excuse to get your cholesterol levels up (count me in for that), I'm offering you a recipe for Yummmmmmmmmmi Homemade Snickers to celebrate "Easter"! Not chemical at all... an almost divine treat.... Amen to that!


You'll need about 20 homemade snickers:


  • 300g Milk Chocolate.


  • 55g butter,
  • 220g sugar,
  • 6cl unsweetened condensed milk,
  • 200g Fluff (1 jar),
  • 50g peanut butter with or without pieces,
  • 1 tsp liquid vanilla extract.


  • 240g sugar,
  • 6 tablespoons water,
  • 20 cl crème fraîche liquide,
  • 200g unsalted roasted peanuts.


So, to start with, take out a rectangular silicone baking dish - if, like me, you don't have one, a square casserole dish will do just as well - and cut out some parchment paper to line the bottom of your dish, to help you unmould your snickers. Next, use a small saucepan to melt 150g of milk chocolate, stirring often to prevent the chocolate from burning and, above all, to make it melt faster. If you like, you can add a little liquid cream to make the chocolate smoother. Once the chocolate has melted, pour it into your dish and line the bottom of the mold evenly, then set aside in a cool place while you take care of the nougat...

Next step: the nougat! Melt the butter in a large saucepan, then add the sugar and condensed milk. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and cook, stirring, for around 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the Fluff (Fluff is a marshmallow-flavored spread you can find at Monoprix in the world grocery section, or in any decent American or British grocery store). In short, add the jar of Fluff, the peanut butter and the vanilla extract. Pour the mixture over the chocolate and set for 2 h in the freezer or overnight in the fridge.

Now it's time for the caramel... In a saucepan, melt the sugar and water, stirring occasionally to melt the sugar, then as soon as the mixture starts to boil and turn brown, stir gently to prevent the caramel from forming crystals, and once the caramel has turned brown and not brown, remove from the heat and add the liquid cream, mixing well. Pour the crème de caramel over the nougat and sprinkle with the peanuts. Set aside in the freezer for approx. 2 h.

And the finishing touch... Melt the remaining 150g of milk chocolate, and as for the first step, add more liquid cream if you wish... Set aside again until the chocolate hardens, then remove your Snickers block from the mould and cut into the mass with a good sharp knife! And enjoy!!!!!!


Where I come from, the chicks lay peanuts... You can't stop progress...

April 09, 2012