Happy Sunday, company!

Today it's foodie, I think I'll try to rhyme this post with "i". No, no, I'm not going to get into that because I don't think I'll ever finish it! So I'm posting the recipe for Genovesi, that little Sicilian pastry that drives me crazy! I found the recipe in one of my man's out-of-date Italian cookbooks, and I've made it again and again, modifying it because it's far too sweet... A genovese and a coffee and you'll never get off the sofa again... Granted, it's still fat, and I couldn't do without the sugar and butter either, but believe me, it's much easier to digest! I plan to get back to you soon with some "bikini-friendly" recipes, but quite honestly, this season makes me want to wrap myself up in a blanket and shoot myself up with sugar, rather than eat crunchy vegetables! To be continued...

For about 10 lemon Genovesi:

  •  - 240 g T55 wheat flour
  •  - 80 g sugar
  •  - 100 g butter
  •  - 2 egg yolks
  •  - 3 tablespoons cold water

and for the cream :

  • - 1 egg yolk
  • - 50 g sugar
  • - 250 g milk
  • - 20g cornstarch
  • - and zest of half a lemon
  • - a tablespoon of limoncello

and powdered sugar for the garnish!

To begin, use your fingertips to work the flour, sugar and butter into a crumbly mixture. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, then a little cold water, and continue working the dough until you have a smooth, non-sticky mixture - hence the importance of being light on the cold water. Form the dough into a ball, wrap in cellophane and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the lemon cream. Add the cornflour to the milk and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the milk/maïzena mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat, taking care not to boil. Turn off the heat, and in a bowl beat the egg yolk with the sugar, then add the milk and return everything to the pan. Over medium heat, stir constantly with a wooden spatula until the mixture thickens. Then add the limoncello and lemon zest. Leave to cool completely.

Remove the dough from the fridge and, on a dry, floured surface, roll it out using a rolling pin. You'll want to shape the dough into elongated ovals. On one side of the oval, place a tablespoon of lemon cream, then fold the other edge of the dough over it, a little like a ravioli. Press the edges of the genovese, so that the dome of cream stands out, and use a pastry cutter to cut out your pastries!

Place your cakes on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake at 210°C for 13 minutes. The pastry should be slightly golden around the edges. Remove from the oven and sprinkle the cookies with powdered sugar, eat warm and enjoy!

February 14, 2016