
Hello kittens! 

Today I'm here to tell you about a hot project I've been teasing on social networks, some of you may have guessed, it's about Clinique. It's really the kind of collaboration that excites me and should make you want to believe in your dreams, even more than usual!

A few weeks ago, Clinique, the no-longer-introduced cosmetics brand famous for its basic three-step, contacted me and Pauline Privez and Capucine Piot to be ambassadors for the brand in France. So why us? Well, because I believe that all three of us are women who are not afraid of a challenge, and who have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into the great adventure of entrepreneurship! To refresh your memory, I've talked about it in the following articles here giving you some organization tips and by here with more details on my background !

Today, my status has changed again, as I've become President of my company, which has now become an SAS (until now, it was a EURL, of which I was the manager), because I've joined forces with other people to help Make My Lemonade grow, and I'm now a partner in the company. Wear Lemonade. And I've got a partner who's with me all the time, Nardjisse, who looks after the development of this little world, because I can tell you that we've got our work cut out for us and we need to channel all this energy.

What's more, I've discovered a new energy because Make My Lemonade is now 5 people, 5 chicks (girl power, I'm shouting your name), and my new motivation, in addition to the daily doses of love and encouragement I receive from you, is to see the girls arrive at the office with the desire to eat the world, to rejoice for me in the little victories of everyday life, to be excited by the arrival of new protos, to celebrate the successes of Wear Lemonade, to see them proud of my Baby Lemonade, which over time becomes their baby too. So today, when people ask me where I see myself in 5 or 10 years' time, I still don't know, but there's one thing I'm sure of, and that's that I want to keep this project growing, to be as free as ever as my own boss, and to keep seeing those smiles on the faces of the people I work with. 


So I'm a woman entrepreneur, an entrepreneur? How do you say it? As you may already know, I'm a natural, I've always known that, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. When I read you, I realize that it's hard for you too to take the plunge. That's why Clinique called on us to help you, our communities, believe in your wildest dreams!

This summer, until August 31, all you have to do is register on the Clinique website. Clinique FaceForward and submit a text presenting your professional project, from the launch of your hair-drying app to the construction of your organic vegan foodbike... Pauline, Capucine and I will each choose a brilliant project to win a year's supply of Basic 3 Temps Clinique products. On the Clinique website, internets will also have the opportunity to vote for their favorite project to win a year's supply of Basic 3 Temps products. The Clinique brand will then select a grand prize-winning project, which will win the 15,000-euro grant! Yes, you read that right, 15,000 euros, enough to give your project a real boost! Make us dream!  

To read this post in English, click here!

July 09, 2015