The collaboration with the club med gym is coming to an end, and from my list of imposed fruits and vegetables there are only 2 ingredients left to showcase, one of which is broccoli! And that, my friends, doesn't make me dream, because broccoli and I aren't buddies, and I find it ugly, looking like a little tree... And while I'm on the subject, I'm personally challenging myself to find a fun idea to make broccoli friendly...

So today I'm going for papaya, I wanted something exotic from the sun for my taste buds, because I don't know about you, but I'm writing this from my sofa under a fleece blanket, kitty on one knee, Macbook on the other and tea steaming nearby, a sort of granny 2.0...

I promised to be a little more present in 2013, but it's not starting well. I'm like a machine, full of a thousand exciting projects, and time has never been as liquid as it is right now! It's hectic, so I'll be telling you all about it very soon, and I like to tease you a bit, you're my red thread. Stay warm and make yourself some tropical fruit smoothies... 


 To make 3 champion smoothies, you'll need..:

  • - half a papaya,
  • - a small mango,
  • - two persimmons,
  • - a banana,
  • - a carton of low-fat coconut milk,
  • - 2 tablespoons agave syrup. 

    To begin, dice the persimmons, mango and papaya. Put all the fruit in a frying pan and keep about two-thirds of the papaya. Sauté the fruit over medium heat with the agave syrup (or honey, which also works) for about 10 minutes. Then place the remaining papaya and banana, along with the coconut milk (light, eh?), in a blender and blend! To serve, I recommend using large glasses, or a small bowl: first garnish the container with the delicately caramelized fruit, then pour the smoothie over the fruit and enjoy! A special mention for the persimmon: I was a little apprehensive, but I'm delighted with this fruit! And for the curious, to achieve the frosted effect on the rim of the glass, you need a lemon wedge to rub around the rim of your glass, and in a bowl, pour coconut powder: en masse! Turn your lemony glass (empty, of course...) upside down onto the dish, and the coconut powder will cling to the glass, a little as if the lemon were glue... 


    January 16, 2013