

 My little cats! 

I hope the new year is not too painful! And that your babies' schoolbags and crayons are all sharp! Today's post is a bit special, and it's taken up a lot of my time, but it's all for a good cause! Today I'd like to show you a different side of Make My Lemonade! In fact, every day at the office it's Charlotte and me, and then, since yesterday, we've welcomed a little newcomer: Jeanne! Suffice it to say, we've got a lot of work to do, and with 6 hands, I think all the projects I've got my heart set on will see the light of day!




But there's no doubt that if someone had told me 2 years ago that I was going to create jobs, I'd have shrugged my shoulders, rolled my eyes and thought my interlocutor was crazy... And in fact, no, it's a process, it's not easy and it's downright complicated to find the people you want to work with... Like everything else in my life, I have good instincts (knock on wood to make sure they don't leave me), and I've managed to surround myself with people I like... My little urban family. Even if sometimes I can be really lax on details, I think it's a requirement I have of myself, and when I give "the house keys", it's often hard for me to let go, saying "it's not a big deal, it won't show"... But I remain convinced that it's these details that make the difference! 





 So I've told you about Charlotte and Jeanne, you also know my Alexandra B. with whom I work regularly, especially on the blog's design. But there's also Marilou, my little sister at heart, who when she's not studying for her bar exam, takes the time to translate Make My Lemonade.




And as I was saying, there are now three of us on a day-to-day basis, and then there's Tania Houlbert, who helps bring all this to life by taking care of some of the videos on the site, and giving us the most beautiful reports ever for the workshops! 



 I've already given you Julie Locatelli's portrait below, for a beauty crash test, but she'll be back very soon with a Do It Yourself crash test, and why not a few good London addresses, a bit like our special envoy across the Channel from the style kamikaze...




 For these portraits, it wasn't easy to meet everyone... I spent a lot of time gathering all these wonderful people, photographing them, making Chinese portraits of them, collecting their answers and then drawing them... I'll let you discover them in more detail in the section About! Don't hesitate to leave them a note! Kisses and see you tomorrow for a Do It Yourself deco! 

September 02, 2014