
Hello my little otters,

I'm back at last for a new making of and I promise you laughter, emotion and lots of boxes. Yes, it's been a long time since I've been here to tell you all about it, but believe me, we've been busy! Without further ado, here's a behind-the-scenes look at the last few months at Lemonade Studio.



Let's talk about this beautiful collaboration with Yves Rocher ! You've seen, or are about to see, this tote bag we designed for the famous beauty brand. I say we, because Lisa did the cutest illustrations, and we were all called upon to come up with the catchphrase. After a lot of "Yves, t'as pas un 06?" and "Ma It List" discussions, we settled on "Yves loves me" for a loving approach that everyone could relate to. Ideas for slogans are still coming in, and I'd love to hear your ideas... Surprise me!?

The idea is simple: if, like us, you find it hard to really know what you need in the midst of all these beauty products, Yves Rocher is offering you a little help with a questionnaire that will enable you to create your own "Yves loves me" slogan. It Listin other words, a selection of products that suits you. It's easy: just go to the site ! Once you've drawn up your super list, you can pick it up in store and leave with our tote bag - but be careful, it's a limited edition! On your keyboards, we can't wait to see you arm in arm with him! 




Flashback to that magical moment when the Lemonade stand ! Back when sweet Jeanne was still with us (cuckoo Jeanne!), one of our office colleagues took this photo and captioned it "By order of hair madness". Don't worry, since then we've surpassed everything in terms of hair craziness, even if we'll never be able to go further than that period. Sean Paul period. Anyway, back to our lemons, all to explain that the Lemonade Studio is also about cutting wood on a Friday night with varnished nails and crazy hair.




I'd like to personally thank you for your kind words following the opening of the e-shop and the launch of the clothes. Wear Lemonade. We were really moved by it all (wet eye in evidence). And I also wanted to share this photo with you, which illustrates just how much work, love and laughter went into this big project. I present to you Jonhatan Icherphotographer and singer, better known as Queen Mimosa. How can I explain? I'm an unconditional fan of this incongruous and terribly catchy music, which guarantees you a few embarrassments but above all a lot of happiness and sensuality. 
I digress, I digress, all to tell you that one Monday evening Lisa called me and said: "Charlotte, I'm going to make one of your dreams come true" and there she announced that Queen Mimosa/Jonathan was going to do our Wear Lemonade packshot photos. Breathless. Hysteria. I called everyone I knew to tell them. 
So, with great emotion, I give you the mythical photo of this meeting, a big thank you to Jonathan for these photos and this lovely moment (if you're reading me, don't forget that it's whenever you want help on a clip).


A sombrero and a pancho, Lisa's very personal way of facing the end of winter! Many thanks to Lily for this crazy accessory, which we use whenever possible as a hard hat, a dog basket, a party host, etc.



Back now to the Lacoste Workshop, another great time spent with you, an opportunity to meet you and share our DIY secrets! But enough pleasantries, I've got a sick gif in store for you now, let me explain:
As you know, we love making lemonade, so we prepared our jar of lemonade 5 minutes before the participants arrived. 5 liters, no less! Except that for once we added the sugar after the sparkling water, and there it was, a volcanic eruption of mentos and coke, flooding the office (Mac Lesgy, if you can hear us, please explain this phenomenon). In short, the floor remained slippery for the rest of the afternoon, and the Lemonade girls had one fall after another - I leave it to you to see for yourselves... 




Perhaps you spotted it on Instagram a few weeks ago, we've been spending a lot of time working on the next "Make My Birthday" book, this time focusing on children's birthday snacks! A digest of DIY and decoration/animation ideas to finally escape the clichés while pleasing our little friends. Here's a sneak preview with the "Cosmonaut" theme set, and yes, we're definitely swinging between the moon and lemons...




Tin-tin-tin-tin-tin-tin-tin-tin-tin-tinnnn-tin-tin-tin-tin-tin (music from Fort Boyard): A few days ago we started sending out your clothing orders en masse. It was an emotional time as we filled that cart with parcels, and we couldn't resist a few breaks. This was followed by a half-hour trip to the post office with my best pal Heinrich. Indeed, over the last few months, I've developed a passionate relationship with this postal worker, and not a day goes by without having a nice boss to take to him. I might as well tell you that he hates me when I arrive with my 60 parcels, but I think it's a bit of tough love, our relationship has evolved so much that now he secretly lets me flash all the barcodes... (He tells me it's because he's got a sore shoulder, but I'm sure it's the proof of a sincere love).

Kisses and see you soon for new adventures! Charlotte S. 


May 21, 2015