

Aaaah fashion weeks, my little cats! 

I can't hide the fact that for the past few seasons I've been less excited about them. I don't want to spit in the soup, but it's a lot of time and energy that I don't use for the office... And then it's complicated to get places when you have a blog, you almost have to fight, you have to find a good angle to find something new so that you, the readers, are really surprised and learn something new. "The famous reader benefit" because it's all very well to see fashion shows, but I really want to share something new with you...




I find that now it's a kind of circus, who's going to be the most OVERdressed to be a street styler, who's going to play the most elbows to get THE coolest backstage photo without bothering the make-up artists and dressers who are working... So for the past 2 seasons, I've been watching fashion week from the Internet, dreaming as I watch... with Tommy Ton's sublime street styles, on so I don't miss a single silhouette on the catwalks, and I watch the beauty backstages of my favorite brands on instagram, quietly behind my desk.




But when I receive the Chanel invitation card, I don't care, I run. I want the rush, I want the snobbish looks from the journalists, the crazy first shot of a wedding between Kanye West and George Clooney, I want the crazy decor, the sublime work, the hundred looks, not wanting to leave at the end... I want EVERYTHING. 




I feel like I'm the one who's becoming a snob, but even if I have to choose, I want to see a show. And this time, what madness! I think that since I've been lucky enough to attend, it's really something crazy every time, the show is as much in the room with the guests and their looks, as when the silhouettes parade! Between the Chanel supermarket, an island rising out of the Dubai sand and a Paris street, this time it was the Brasserie Gabrielle. The Grand Palais was transformed into a huge Parisian brasserie, typical of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And while on other occasions I've been so completely taken in by the decor that I've forgotten the silhouettes, this time I found the balance to be perfect. The set design and the story told by the silhouettes complemented each other. 




The decor was delirious: it was as if we were in the legendary Chartier brasserie, under the dome of the Grand Palais. There was something surreal about seeing guests eating hard-boiled eggs leaning against the zinc counter with their black coffee, in crazy outfits... A sort of time travel last Tuesday...




I loved these neo-Parisian silhouettes, the little heads with their hair plastered, the XL smokies, the oversized tweed cuts, the ultra-graphic embroidery... Once again, for me, the magic is working...

And what was your favorite moment of this fashion week?




You can find the English version here.

March 13, 2015