
Happy Monday my little cats! 

I hope you had a lovely weekend, curling up on your sofas in the warmth! I'm back today with my favorite connected feature: the app of the month! First of all, I'd like to tell you that I haven't been paid to tell you what's going to happen next, but I'd rather tell you because I'm really going to be raving about this app! It's all about SIMONE. As well as being the first name of my beloved grandmother, it's an app that lets you order your manicure wherever you are. Simone is the Uber of nail polish. So this app isn't for nail artists who have mastered the reverse French manicure, but rather for people who want to treat themselves to a little kiffe or for those who have two left hands when it comes to applying polish with the right (and vice versa). Personally, I have a passion for semi-permanent nail varnish, for 3 simple reasons:

  • - I don't have to wait 1h30 for the varnish to dry completely.
  • - I can make pinatas, fix my bike's inner tube, and wash dishes without having to curse the entire cosmetics industry.
  • - I take photos of my hands every two days on average for DIY, and other sewing tutorials so having pretty fingers is a bit like brushing my teeth. 

So I used to go and do my nails in Parisian nail salons, and for a manicure/treatment/application of semi-permanent varnish, you're looking at around 40 euros. For the record, these kinds of places are always crowded at lunchtime and close relatively early (7 p.m. is early when you're your own boss, believe me). So it was complicated for me to leave the ship to get my extremities varnished. And that's where Simone came in: I can order my manicure at the office between noon and 2 p.m., and I can even have it done until 9 p.m. wherever I want in Paris and the surrounding area. Paradise. It may sound trivial, but it's really a revolution in my life as a colorful nail addict, and no more expensive than going to a salon.


What's more, Simone puts you at ease, even if your apartment/office/hotel room has been turned upside down by your hectic life. No problem, you'll always find an undisturbed corner of the coffee table where you can be pampered for 1 hour, while you drink your tea/decompress/watch your favorite TV series.

You can also do it with a group... Between chicks for a party, or for a wedding preparation with your bridesmaids, I find the format perfect. In short, Simone is my passion, and I wish them every success in opening branches in every town in France... The application is available on the Apple store, but you can also contact the Simone team. by e-mail to book a treatment, or imagine a surprise for a friend! Kisses and see you tomorrow for the December marathon! 


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November 30, 2015