Happy Tuesday my little cats!

Happy Birthday Make My Lemonade! I don't really remember the exact date, but it was in March that I started shyly sharing on Facebook what was going on around there... And if I had known what was going to happen, I don't think I would have done anything differently...

I can't believe it's been 4 years, it's like a space-time rift. It seems like only yesterday that I started to receive your immeasurable doses of love, and when I dare to look back a little (not for too long, otherwise I get dizzy), I get the feeling that a million things have already happened between us! As I was saying last year but blogging has literally changed my life. Even though I've never been very comfortable with the terms "blog" and "blogger", which I find a bit overused... It's a fact, it was the craziest, coolest decision of my life to open Make My Lemonade...

So THANK YOU, again and again, for making this possible, for the daily support you send us, for your kindness in the face of our experiments and for your finesse in always raising the debate! I have a lot of love and respect for you... Happy Anniversary to our relationship!

And then today, I remember, amused, the DIYs for which I struggled with my camera's self-timer and my photo tripod. All while sitting on my sofa. So many things happened, so many encounters, so many smiles! From being alone in my apartment to 8 people in the lemonade studio, getting on with things, making sure that no day was ever the same, and imagining things. pattern collections and clothes to create a different kind of fashion, and also to find solutions with the postal deliveries (most of the time)... I'm desperate to continue developing the whole lifestyle around our tangy universe, to cover you with lemonade even more often! I don't really know what I'm looking forward to in the new year, other than continuing to do things with as much passion as ever, and hoping that you'll always be there to follow our lemony adventures!

I'm very happy to be writing to you today to mark 4 years, because I'm going on vacation, and I'm leaving the lemonade studio for the first time in so many years, and I'm sure that everything will turn out well, because with the lemon team, we're all looking in the same direction, and I'm terribly proud of it...

March 29, 2016