
Hello my little cats! 

I'd like to start by thanking you for the astronomical amount of love you've been sending me lately, it's just too good. Too good to read you, to share all these encounters, these DIYs with you, and these glimpses! So a big thank you for your words on this great event. We've been on the moon ever since! I still have lots of little articles to prepare for you about the wedding, tips and things I've been able to try out. I think the new "Wedding section is likely to get even bigger over the next few weeks!

As I prepare this article, and look back at our wedding photos for the 200th time, I have no regrets whatsoever about our choice of venue. This house under construction wasn't perfect, it wasn't finished, far from it, but in the end it was a perfect metaphor for our life, this construction site. Nothing is finished, and never will be. We're constantly evolving, searching, building and it's always a bit of a mess, but in the end it's so good to have these imperfections.

Today, in this article, I'd like to tell you about the different key items you need to plan for, some of which are optional, but all of which have been a real source of inspiration and joy in their conception and realization... I hope this will inspire you and give you ideas for your Big day too! 


  •  Wedding Planeur:

Several of my friends, got married before me and all were unanimous about the need to have help coordinating everything on the big day, so you can enjoy it to the full, and not have to worry about logistical worries. I can only recommend that you work with someone with whom you have a good feeling, who understands the vision you have for your wedding, and who knows your highlights inside out. For my wedding I was lucky enough to have the help of the wonderful Aurélie C. from the company Bespoke whom I can wholeheartedly recommend: a monster of organization and a sweetheart of a person!

  • The photographer :

For me, before anything else, I wanted a good photographer. And pretty soon, after doing the photos with my bridesmaids with the super marry me cocotteI knew it was photos like this, like a real reportage, that I wanted for our wedding. Talking to Elodie fromUn beau jourshe immediately told me about Martin from Say Cheers. I met him, and we did different things together. projects and it was funny because Martin had been following what was going on with Make My Lemonade for a few years and it was quite natural that he became the man for the job. Martin, I know I've told you too much, but I'm telling you anyway.... You rock.

  • The venue, the decor, and the tableware: 

I told you about my adventures with the wedding venue in my first article but as you can see, this house was already crazy enough on its own, so we added tables and chairs to give it a bistro atmosphere and rattan armchairs for our ceremony. The chairs acted as two in one: at the start of the day they were used as seats for the lay ceremony, and then everyone took their own chairs to sit in the dining room. It didn't seem ideal, but in the end it was very instinctive. Besides, I wanted to play up the quirkiness in this ultra-modern house with antique crockery.

  • Flowers :

Flowers were a real joy, a discovery and a great initiation, because I'd never really composed bouquets before. But I'm lucky in that I know exactly what I want, and I had something very specific in mind. As the dress code was blue, I couldn't see myself doing coordinated bouquets, and then natural blue flowers aren't exactly commonplace... So I thought I'd do neutral bouquets in whites and greens, with touches of gray/blue thanks to the thistles... I was lucky enough to meet Arthur and Clément, the two little guys behind the great concept of Bloom's concept I've been telling you about over the last few weeks too.



  • The caterer :

Here's another key item along with the venue. For food, I dreamed of having a food truck, but for budgetary reasons it was a bit complicated, but thanks to our chief wedding planner, we discovered the cuisine of Claire and Jérôme! I told you about them a few days ago, but I still say Twenty peas, they delighted us! By the way, I passed on your comments to Claire, the founder of Twenty Peas, and she gave me some details and clarifications on the recipe for the gluten-free burger bun. the article ! In any case, if you're not planning to get married in the next few weeks, but you're in the Madeleine area, go and have lunch there! 

  • Twenty peas59 rue des Mathurins, 75008 Paris.
  • Le Little Twenty peas, 6 Rue Treilhard, 75008 Paris
  • La pièce montée :

The subject of the pièce montée, I don't know why, but I was particularly keen on it. I didn't care about the veil or the garter, but I was dreaming of this dessert. I'm not sure why, but this wedding cake was on my mind, and a few months ago I was doing the portrait of the beautiful Lauren de Popelini. She has since let us in on the secret of lemonade puffs, and it wasn't long before I discovered that Popelini also offered to make pièces montées! Of course, I wanted to choose the flavors of these little choux, of which there are 4: black sesame (mourrance), rose, vanilla and praline... And I was also able to blow up the theme of our wedding under the moon, by validating the structure of the pièce montée with a photo. I didn't expect the moon to be sooooo big! I think it really made an impact! 

  • Popelini, pièce montée et petites douceurs: 29 rue Debelleyme, 75003 and 44 rue des martyrs 75009 Paris.


  • Music and light:

For the music, I was lucky enough to have some great friends from the famous Radiooooo, which I'm sure you'll enjoy. you about who put on a magical dj set! But I'd like to thank you all for playing along and sending us your songs of love and happiness. We've completed the WILL YOU MARRY ME playlist! We have over 600 subscribers, so don't hesitate to send us your ball-opening and entrance songs for "church/hall/secular ceremonies", and we'll keep on adding to the playlist! 

  • Dress and costume:

A few months ago, I told you about my fear of spilling my glass of wine on my dress, hence the idea of creating my dress. "plan Bthe famous Wear Lemonade dress. Lolita ! So this dress was my plan A for the town hall. A week before the wedding, I sewed it under the watchful eye of Laure, who made sure I didn't make any last-minute blunders. Quite simply, I was in a state of apnoea while it was being made, and with just a few days to go to the town hall, I could feel the pressure building with each seam... For the second day, I wore this glittering Tara Jarmon dress. I think if I'd been unlucky enough to stain it, I'd have been able to give it a quick wipe down... Thomas, on the other hand, got a kick out of wearing a made-to-measure Sanson suit. He still can't get over the fact that he found a suit that fit him perfectly, with his crazy proportions. I found him a pair of full-moon cufflinks on Etsy !


  • the secular ceremony and thewedding rings :

Many of you have asked me about the ceremony... Well, it's very simple: it's a ceremony during which our friends, witnesses and parents speak. They had prepared a speech, and the whole thing was orchestrated very gently by a friend. No one read an extract from The Little Prince or a gospel, but they were anecdotes about us and our love, we laughed and cried and finally exchanged our rings, and it was at that moment, for me, that we really got married in front of the people we love! 

  • Surprises:

And then of course during the wedding there were unexpected moments, surprises and that's what's crazy! For our wedding, all our witnesses and bridesmaids made a tippi with a camera in it, ready to record messages wishing us a safe trip to the moon! It was so cool, I'm getting chills just writing about it! 



  • Stationery & Guest gifts:

 And then another important part for us was the stationery and little gifts to take a piece of the evening home. I've told you more about this here

  • Inspiration and sublime stationery, as well as stamp-making: go to Mister M studio
  • E-cussons for embroidered patches to give as gifts! 



I hope you've enjoyed these special weeks, and I'm working on an article entitled "Les kiffes de la mariée" ("The bride's kisses"), which is coming very soon - I can't help myself! For those of you who are interested, November 7 is the wedding festival. Andy says yes at the Bastille Design Center, where you can get inspired and find suppliers who are just like you! Hugs and kisses to you all! 

To read this post in English, click here!

October 27, 2015